Chapter Twenty: Suspicious Minds

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Rachel groaned as she wiped her mouth and stood up from the floor of the en-suite, now that she was aware that she was having twins, Rachel had begun to notice a rapid change in her pregnancy.

Cristiano was currently at training for the final match before Christmas, meaning that Rachel was alone with Junior; the brunette didn't mind since she had slowly started to bond with the little boy.

Rachel stepped out of the bathroom, and made her way towards Junior’s nursery; the brunette smiled when she saw that the 6 month old was awake, Junior smiled at her and held up his hands so that Rachel could pick him up.

Rachel gently picked him up and before she started out of the nursery, before she stopped and frowned shaking her head; the brunette knew they had to talk about this but with Christmas coming up,

Rachel knew they had to talk about what they were going to do. Roz and Bernie were begging for Rachel to come back to Miami for Christmas so that they could spend time with their daughter.

 They were already missing her and even though she had promised to visit over the Christmas break.

Rachel made her way out of the nursery and down the stairs to the kitchen; since she was now ten weeks pregnant she had started to take prenatal vitamins and Cristiano was ensuring that she had a healthy balance of food.

Setting Junior down in the kitchen play pen, Rachel looked at the clock before she decided to make some lunch; she had slowly slipped into a role while she had been with Cristiano one that had taken her by surprise and one that she hadn't expected to slip into so soon.

Making a sandwich and mashing up some banana, Rachel couldn’t help but wonder why Karla was still hanging about begging for her to forgive her; she knew that she couldn't trust the blonde but it did make her curious.

Cristiano had mentioned that Karla only wanted to know because she was now interested in the media focus which was currently on them; Rachel couldn't turn on the television without there being so sort of report on her anymore.

Rachel set the mashed bananas in front of Junior, who cooed softly and smiled at her as she gently started to feed him; as she did, the front door opened and closed revealing a sweaty Cristiano, who headed straight for the kitchen.

The footballer smiled as he watched Rachel feeding Junior who she cooed at her while she feed him; Cristiano gently placed his bag on the floor and made his way over to Rachel and wrapped his arms around her.

Brushing some hair away from her neck, he quickly pressed a kiss against the newly exposed skin, making the brunette shiver at his touch; the footballer just hoped that everything would come down soon.


Amber pursed her lips as she sat in a café in the centre of Madrid; she had flown out after she had learnt from her father that Rachel was now living with Cristiano, she had never thought her boring cousin would become more famous than her.

The red head glared at Karla as she sat across from her drinking her Café Mocha, she couldn't believe that the blonde was having any problems getting close to Rachel.

“Why are you finding this so difficult?” Amber hissed at Karla, who rolled her eyes at the red head’s attitude; she wasn’t sure why she put up with her especially since she knew that she would end up stabbing her in the back.

“She doesn’t want to see me… there’s nothing that I can do about it, Ronaldo has her pretty well protected,” Karla said as she set down her drink, she watched as wondered why Rachel disliked Amber so much; so she was a little bitchy but that was what Karla enjoyed about her.

Amber was different from the sweet and naive woman that Rachel pretended to be, Karla didn't believe for a moment that the brunette had managed to bump into the footballer by accident.

“I can’t become famous here as long as Rachel is holding all the media’s attention… I need to know about her and Cristiano without this stupid gag-order to stop me from telling the press,” Amber spat bitterly making Karla nod, she knew what was at stake if they didn't get close to Rachel but the brunette was making it so difficult for them.

Neither of them knew how Rachel had gotten so lucky as to bed one of Real Madrid’s finest but as far as Karla and Amber were concerned she should only share her new found fame and fortune.

“She’ll have to turn to us eventually… Rachel was never built for the life of a WAG like I was,” Amber said smugly drinking her drink, she couldn't wait to use her cousin to get what she wanted; Rachel was nothing more than a stepping stone that was in the way.


After settling Junior down for the night, Cristiano joined Rachel in the living room; he smiled softly at her as he settled down on his couch making Rachel look up from her book.

“We need to talk,” Cristiano said making the brunette nod and close her book, she watched him intently; she had a feeling that she knew where this was going and Rachel was sure that it was going to be about Karla’s presence in their lives.

“I know things aren’t working out ideally at the moment and being here in Madrid alone isn’t the best but I don’t trust Karla,” Cristiano said making the brunette nod in agreement, she had to agree that there was something strange about how Karla seemed to always find her the way that she did.

“I was thinking that maybe you could get to know some of my team-mates wives or girlfriends… I know some of them won’t be ideal as friends but I know they would never take advantage of you like Karle would,” Cristiano said concerned as he brushed some hair from her face.

He had worried daily since Karla had arrived in Madrid about her using Rachel to get to him or selling her story to the press.

Cristiano didn't want to see his girlfriend get hurt and if Karla had slapped Rachel for their fling, then he didn't want to know what else she was capable of.

“Okay,” Rachel agreed making the footballer look at her relieved that she had taken that so well, he had been worried about upsetting her but he was glad that his girlfriend had agreed with him.

“I was also wondering, if we could go to dinner sometime,” he asked her making Rachel look at him surprised, Cristiano rolled his eyes and chuckled at her expression.

“I want to have as normal as we can relationship… Rachel, you’re my girlfriend; pregnant or not I want a relationship with you,” he said moving closer to Rachel before he kissed her lips. Rachel felt Cristiano run a hand through her hair, as he moved closer to her.

“I love you Rachel,” he whispered as he gently kissed down her neck, making the brunette close her eyes.

“I love you too,” she said as he started to nibble on her collarbone; Cristiano smirked before he gently kissed his way back to her lips, he knew that things would only get better for them.

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