Chapter Twenty-Seven: Talking Things Through

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“I know you want to protect your son… but insulting my daughter to do it isn’t the way to go about it,” Roz said calmly as she watched Dolores, she took a calming breath remembering how hard it had been to deal with her son’s in-laws; she just hoped that this would be easier.

Dolores stared at the red head, she had expected the woman before her to scream or at least shout at her but she hadn’t been expecting this; the nice calm tone made everything even worse.

Dolores knew that she was probably over reacting about the relationship but she didn’t want to see Cristiano hurt again; he was always going to be her little boy and she wanted to protect him from the gold-diggers that seemed to hover around him.

“I raised both of my children to be respectful of others… not like some of those sluts that you’re used to dealing with; but to treat their other halves with the respect they want and deserve,” Roz said gently hoping that this would warm Dolores to Rachel, she knew her daughter blamed herself for the separation between her boyfriend and his family.

“I know I was a little harsh…” Dolores said weakly knowing how she had treated Rachel hadn’t been fair, she hadn’t even given the brunette a chance before she had judged her; hell she was even surprised that Rachel was still around since things had been tough for her lately.

Roz pursed her lips at the woman before her, she knew that Dolores had been expecting a gold-digger but Rachel wasn’t like that and never had been; she was someone that seemed to bring out goodness in Cristiano.

“Is it not clear to you that those two love each other? I don’t even think that Bernie was that attentive to me when I was pregnant. They love each other so much that they’re starting a family, a little out of order but they’re starting a family together,” Roz said as she smiled carefully at the woman across from her.

Dlores sat quietly taking in what had been said. Roz sighed as she moved closer to the older woman and squeezed her hand, knowing that this was all hard for her; she just hoped that Dolores would warm to her daughter sooner rather than later.

“Now you have to decide do you and your family want to be a part of this when they have their babies; do you want to miss that?” Roz asked her knowing that Dolores was going to have to make a decision.

She didn’t want the woman walking out now only for her to ruin things later on.


It was nearly an hour when Rachel and Cristiano had stepped outside so that their mothers could talk; the footballer smiled as he kissed the brunette softly as they headed back to the living room only to find Roz and Dolores talking to each other.

Cristiano looked between the two women before he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend wondering what was going on; he glanced at Rachel, who shrugged as she cleared her throat to catch their attention.

“Cristiano… why don’t you come and help me in the kitchen?” Roz said as she smiled sweetly at the footballer, she knew that it would be best if she left Dolores to speak with Rachel alone; they had some stuff that they needed to discuss and she was glad that she had been able to help.

Cristiano looked confused as he was quickly ushered from the room while Rachel took a seat on the couch knowing why her mother had left her alone with Dolores.

“Do you really love him?” the Portuguese mother asked as she watched the brunette, her brown eyes watching the young woman before her knowing that she was going to be a big part of her son’s life in one way or another.

“More than anything,” Rachel replied softly, her brown eyes staring at Dolores wondering curiously about what her mother had said to her; she just hoped that this would fix things for Cristiano.

“I know that you don’t believe me… and you have no reason to but I truly love your son more than anything in the world,” Rachel said as she rested a hand on her bump, she only had a few weeks left until the twins were born; she just hoped that everything would work out for them now.

Dolores sighed as she looked down at her hands, she had spent her life worrying for her youngest son that she had never thought that he would find someone that was worthy of him especially when he followed his dreams to become one of the world’s best footballers.

“I know that I haven’t been far to you… none of us have but I don’t want to lose my son, so will you accept my apologises and give me a second chance?” Dolores asked as she looked up at the brunette.

She offered Rachel a small smile knowing that she was going to have to work hard on making her way back into her son’s life and she hoped that he wouldn’t push her away.


Rachel smiled as Cristiano ran his fingers through her hair as he held her brush it before bed, he pressed a kiss to her neck knowing that in a few short weeks the twins would be with them.

“Have you thought anymore about names?” Rachel asked as she glanced back at her boyfriend, she was starting to worry that they wouldn’t find the perfect names for the twins before they were born; she didn’t know what was going to happen and she wanted to be prepared.

“I don’t know about first names… but they’ll be dos Santos Focker,” Cristiano murmured making Rachel smile at the thought of the twins surname; they had already agreed that they would follow Portuguese customs and give the twins both their surnames.

“I like the sound of that,” Rachel said as she turned to face her boyfriend, she kissed his lips knowing that everything was finally falling into place for them and they were looking up for them; the brunette smiled as she felt the twins kick as she rested a hand on her stomach.

“As do I,” Cristiano said knowing that it would be a while before they took the next step but he looked forward to doing so; she was the first person he’d wanted to ever take that step with him.

The couple kissed again as Cristiano rested a hand also on her stomach, he smiled as the twins gave another kick; he loved feeling them move and he couldn’t wait to hold them in his arms.

“I love you,” Rachel said as she ran her fingers through his wet hair, he had just showered and she couldn’t help but marvel about how different it looked when it was gelled into its usual style.

“I love you too,” Cristiano whispered as before he kissed her knowing that he would do anything for her; he ran his fingers through her brown locks as he thought about their future together, it looked even better now that his family were coming around to his girlfriend.

“So just four weeks left…” Rachel mused as she looked down at the swell of her stomach, she felt like a beached whale sometimes and she couldn’t believe how big that she had gotten; she just hoped that she’d be able to mould back into her old shape again.

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