Chapter Six: Falling For You

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Cristiano awoke the next morning to find Rachel still in his bed making him smile; he wrapped his arm around her and held her close to him, he had never felt like this before and he liked it.

Cristiano watched Rachel sleep for a few minutes, brushing some hair from her face; last night had been the best sex he had ever had, he didn’t know what it was about Rachel but he was starting to feel something for her.

The Portuguese continued to watch Rachel sleep but he couldn’t help but enjoy the sensation of waking up next to her.

There was something about Rachel that he enjoyed and it wasn’t just the sex like with his past girlfriends and flings.

Cristiano had never sort out any of his one-night stands like he had Rachel, there was something about her that attracted him and he didn’t know what it was.

“I’m not that interesting in the morning,” Rachel said with her eyes still closed, her head rested against Cristiano’s chest; she knew that she probably a little rough looking.

Cristiano chuckled and looked at the brunette next to him.

“I would have to disagree,” he replied as Rachel looked up at him before he kissed her.

Cristiano slowly started to kiss Rachel before he moved so that he was hovering over her; Rachel smiled into the kiss as Cristiano slipped over her, she knew where this was going.

“Stay with me,” he whispered as he worked his way down her body, Rachel bit her lip knowing she shouldn’t but she couldn’t help herself; she knew that she should say no but she couldn’t bring herself to.


Karla frowned at Marc and Tara, she had been looking for Rachel all morning and couldn’t find her anywhere; she knew that they knew where she was and she wanted to know what was going on.

“She wanted to some fresh air since she wasn’t feeling well,” Marc said hoping Karla would buy the story as they stood in the corridor Leona, Rosa and Anne watched the conversation.

The three weren’t interested in the fact that the maid of honour was missing and knew that Karla was overreacting.

“Tell her when she gets back that I want to talk to her,” Karla said before she turned on her heel and stormed off followed by the others while Tara and Marc released a tense breathe.

Karla entered her bedroom and started to pace, she didn’t like how Rachel had been acting while they had been in Madrid; she knew that there was something going on and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.

“What are you going to do?” Rosa asked sitting on Karla’s bed watching her pace, she tilted her head curiously as she waited to see what their friend had to say about what was happening. “

I think it’s time we called Evan,” Leona said making the other girls look at her; they stood quietly thinking before Karla nodded and pulled out her phone.

“If we can’t get her to see sense… then he can,” Karla said smiling to herself; as she started to dial Evan’s number; she knew that Rachel’s boyfriend had her wrapped around his finger and that he’d be able to get Rachel back on track.

Leona and Anne smiled at each other, once Rachel was back to helping Karla it meant they could spend time around the hotel pool again while she listened to Karla bitch about her wedding.  


Evan frowned as he finished his conversation with Karla, he ran a hand through his black hair and closed his eyes; he had hoped that with Rachel out of the country that he didn’t have to worry about her.

“Is everything alright?” a woman with ginger hair asked as she slipped into the room wearing nothing but one of Evan’s shirts; she tilted her head curiously as she watched him wondering what had been said.

“I’m going to have to go to Madrid,” he said looking at the woman who frowned and walked towards him before she sat down on her lap; she had thought with Rachel gone that she’d have more time with Evan to herself.

“What’s my cousin done now?” the red head asked looking at Evan who sighed and kissed her on the lips; he looked up into the woman’s brown eyes and smiled knowing that she was the best thing in his life.

“Nothing I can’t handle Amber,” he reassured her, making the woman pout as she realised he would leave her here; she hated Rachel and didn’t care what was happening in Madrid with her cousin.

“Let her friends deal with her… you can stay here with me,” she said slowly pushing Evan back onto he bed until she was able to straddle him; Amber wanted him to herself and she didn’t care what it took.

Evan chuckled and looked up at his girlfriend’s cousin, he knew that he had to act so that people wouldn’t get suspicious if he didn’t show up.

He didn’t want anyone figuring out that he was cheating on his girlfriend with her cousin, he knew that it would only bring trouble.


It was late when Rachel finally returned to her hotel room, she and Cristiano hadn’t left the bedroom till late that afternoon; she couldn’t stop smiling as the Portuguese walked her to her hotel room.

“I’ll miss you,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, he smiled down at her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

“I’ll miss you too,” she whispered making Cristiano smile as he slowly started to kiss her neck, he didn’t want to leave her alone but he had to head home and prepare for tomorrow’s training or he would be in trouble.

Rachel let her head fall back against the door, as he started to move lower making the brunette moan softly; she couldn’t believe that she had been doing this.

Cristiano smirked as she held him closer to her.

“Let’s go inside,” Rachel whispered as she slipped her door key into the door and unlocked it before she led Cristiano inside.

As soon as the door shut, Karla stepped out of the shadows her arms crossed across her chest; she couldn’t believe that she had caught the brunette cheating on her boyfriend.

She glared at the door as she heard Rachel and her fling moved about the room.

“Well who would have thought,” Karla said a frown set upon her face she was couldn’t believe Rachel would do something like this to Evan; she had always thought that the brunette loved her boyfriend of four years.

“I can’t wait until Evan gets here,” she said before she too slipped into her room, the sooner Evan got here the better; but until then Karla would have a talk with her dear friend, she wasn’t about to allow Rachel to ruin her relationship for some fling.

The blonde pursed her lips as she thought about the man that she had seen Rachel with, she didn’t know how the brunette had managed to get someone that was that good looking.

Karla frowned as she sat down on her bed, she couldn’t believe that anyone would be interested in Rachel.

She had always found the brunette a little boring and a push over, it was the reason that she had chosen her as her maid of honour so that if anything went wrong then she could blame Rachel.

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