Chapter Twenty-Eight: Going into Labour

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Rachel sighed as she rubbed her stomach, Cristiano was currently away at some charity football match that was being played; she had opted to stay at home while her parents had gone with him.

The brunette was pleased that her boyfriend wasn’t too far away in case she went into early labour; she was now thirty-eight weeks pregnant and she knew that at any moment something could happen especially since she was experiencing contractions.

“Just another twenty-one minutes… then we call daddy,” Rachel said to her stomach, she was home alone since Dolores had taken Junior out for the day to give the brunette a break.

Things had gotten better between the families since Roz had talked to Dolores and it was clear that things were on the up.

“Just twenty-one minutes,” Rachel said to herself, she knew it was too early to go to the hospital when the pain started but it was starting to get worse and she worried that no one would be home with her when the time came to go.

“Why is time standing still?” Rachel groaned as she looked at the clock on the living room wall, she couldn’t believe that the world was slowing down right now; she swallowed as she tried to focus on the match that was playing on television.

The match reached the seventy-sixth minute when Rachel couldn’t take it anymore, she couldn’t wait the last 14 minutes, so she grabbed the phone and quickly started to dial her mother’s number.

“Hola?” Roz said answering it after the first two rings making Rachel sigh relieved, but that didn’t stop her from staying the one thing she knew would catch her mother’s attention.

“Mummy it hurts,” Rachel said as she felt tears pool in her eyes, no sooner had the words left her lips then her mother was promising her that she would be there soon.

The brunette almost sighed in relief as she saw Cristiano being pulled from the pitch by Mourinho before he disappeared down the tunnel knowing what was going on.

Rachel closed her eyes before she started to take deep breathes, she knew that it wouldn’t be long until her boyfriend was by her side and she was relieved at that thought.

“Rachel sweetie we’re coming… they’ve just told Cris so we’ll be home soon,” Roz said trying to sooth her daughter who groaned in pain as another contraction hit.

They were getting closer together and Bernie could be heard in the back ground panicking since Rachel was two whole weeks ahead of her due date.

“Tell Cristiano… he’s never… touching me again,” Rachel said between deep breathes which made her mother chuckle as Rachel rubbed her stomach to try and ease the pain; she couldn’t wait to have some pain meds and she knew that this could still go on for a while.

Roz wondered how long her daughter had been keeping the fact she was in labour from them, she knew that Rachel didn’t like to worry people unless it was necessary.

“Rach, can you tell me how far apart they are?” she asked as Bernie bounced on his feet looking for Cristiano; the couple had been joined by Cristiano’s sister Kátia who was also attending the game and looked concerned about what was going on.

Roz sighed and ran a hand through her hair; glancing behind her, she couldn’t help but catch of glimpse of Amber walking towards the car park with a smirk on her face.

“Bernie, honey, go see what’s keeping Cristiano,” Roz said making her husband nod as he took off in the direction of the changing rooms while Roz started after Amber; she didn’t know what her niece was up to but she knew that it couldn’t be anything good.

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