chapter 38: Helping Out Them Kids

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"Well damn. Some here looks like they don't even care if they're creepy and stuff," Mishiga whispered to Eli. Now they knew why it had a bad reputation. Some of the volunteers had piercings somewhere on their bodies. A few, who were female, just wore clothes that reveal the undergarments. Although there were some who seemed normal, Mishiga knew he shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

"I can't help but agree," Eli whispered back. They were in front of an elementary school. It was surprising that despite the plants all over the building, it was still standing. Mishiga guessed that this elementary school was being too literal about plants being the 'Green Lungs Of The Earth.'

"Okay then. . . What're we supposed to do now?" Mishiga asked.

"Well, I've been in this program a few times, so. . . Follow me, I suppose."

Mishiga nodded, and they saw children, clearly being in the ages of elementary, being dropped off by their parents. Mishiga stifled a chuckle when he saw one child crying to his parents, as if the child did not want to go back to school, the volunteers are just too creepy, or even both, if possible.

Mishiga approached the child, despite the protests of Eli, kneeled down to the child's height (it was a boy), and asked, "what's wrong kiddo?"

The boy looked at Mishiga, and just that single look Mishiga's smiling face made him stop crying. Eli suddenly grabbed Mishiga's left wrist and dragged him.


"We don't have time for the boy."

"What if the boy was the student for the class we're in?"

Eli was silent.

"He's a student of the class we're in, isn't he?"

Eli nodded, but still dragged Mishiga.

"He just keeps screaming I want to go home, or you're too creepy?"

"How do you know all this?"

"Because I've been in that child's shoes before."

They soon reached the classroom they were assigned to, and Mishiga couldn't help but sigh. The boys were loud and rowdy. The girls were just at a corner. Writing, or drawing, Mishiga had no idea, but he kept silent.

"Alright class, quiet down," Eli said. The boys literally ignored her, but the girls had no need to, as they were already quiet. Mishiga heaved a sigh.

"Let me handle the boys."

Before Eli could even ask how, Mishiga said out, "ATTENSHUN!!'

The boys instantly quieten down, as they looked at Mishiga, who had a stoic face. The door then was knocked, and the same boy came in.

"S-sorry I'm late," he said.

"It's alright, kiddo. Come in," Mishiga said, instantly smiling. He then sat down near the rest of the boys were.

"Alright, Ayase-senpai. You take over now."

"O-oh. Right," Eli replied.

'What is Shire-kun? Is he a walking paradox?' She thought, but soon shook the thought off of her mind for the time being.

"Alright everyone. Here are your classworks. Please finish them by today, alright?" Eli told everyone, as she held onto a stack of papers. They all nodded, as one by one, they took the papers until the last one.

"Ayase-senpai, I'll go up with the boys. You, with the girls, should they need help," Mishiga said.

"You seem to have experienced being a teacher."

"It was tiring."

Eli giggled at Mishiga's statement, before she walked off towards the girls, while Mishiga went towards the boys.

"If you boys need help, I'm here."


Mishiga grabbed a nearby chair and sat down, while the children were busy writing down. Mishiga raised an eyebrow at one of the child, who was actually chubby. He approached the boy.

"You need help there?" Mishiga asked, being behind him. The boy looked at Mishiga, obviously skeptical, before saying, in a rather cocky tone, "I can handle this."

"Famous last words," Mishiga said, before he looked at the paper that was supposed to be written, was now a piece of paper for the boy's art. He literally scribbled all over the paper, which made Mishiga sweat drop.

"I need help!" One of the boys said out. Mishiga went towards the boy, who had blue hair with red streaks, and golden eyes, which made Mishiga flinch temporarily.

"What is it?" Mishiga asked, once he recovered.

"How do you pronounce this?" He asked, pointing to the words, 'I am sorry.'

"Hm. . .  Repeat after me, okay?" Mishiga asked. The boy nodded.

"Ai. . ."

"Ai. . ."

"Amu. . ."

"A. . . Mu. . ."

"Sorrii. . ."

"Ai. . . Amu. . . . Sorrii. I am sorry! I got it!!" The boy said out, and Mishiga pat his head.

"You're learning. Keep it up, and you can surely be an expert in English in no time," Mishiga said encouragingly. The boy nodded, and smiled, as he continued on with pronouncing the other sentences in the paper. After just a few minutes, the boys were being loud. Not because they were playing around, but asking Mishiga for help.

Even Eli was surprised at how popular Mishiga was now. He was like Jesus, only less prophet-ish, no superpowers, no long hair, no beard, no robe and has orange hair.

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