Chapter 61: A Much Needed Talk

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One week later. . .

"Tests are finally over!!"

"That doesn't mean you girls can just crash into my house."

It was the day when tests were finally over. All of μ's were at Mishiga's house, much to the boy's dismay. He wanted some peace snd quiet after the tests.

But noooooooo. God doesn't want him to.

"Harsh as always, nya," Rin said, pouting. Mishiga could only heave a sigh.

"We have yet to know what the results are anyway," Mishiga replied.

"Oh yeah! The marked test papers would be handed out tomorrow, right?" Nozomi asked the girls + Mishiga. They nodded.

"Well, I suggest we all come back to Mishiga's house-"

"What is my house?! An idol beacon?!"

Nozomi ignored Mishiga.

"-And see the improvement. If any of us have, that is."

"That just sounds strange, but. . . Anyone agreeing?" Honoka asked. All of the Otonokizaka μ's nodded.

"Okie dokie!!"

"I didn't agree to this!!"

Next day. . . .

"My marks have improved!!"

"What's up?" Mishiga asked Honoka, who had just yelled out. It was break period, and the two of them had only met by chance.

"My marks have improved!!" Honoka repeated, gaining stares of disapproval from the other students.

"Okay, Kosaka-san. Please shut up," Mishiga replied coldly. Honoka put her hand onto her mouth.


"What's your mark before?"


"'Life of a fish' mark!"

"Now it's 65!"

"Well, that's a big improvement."

"I know, right?!"

Honoka suddenly hugged the orange haired boy.

"Thank you," she whispered.




Honoka blushed and quickly pushed Mishiga away. It was too late. Whispers were already being heard and spread throughout the school. Mishiga could only scratch the back of his head, before he walked away, leaving the dumbfounded and blushing Honoka to clear the misunderstanding.

. . . . . .

"I heard you two were going out."

"That's a misunderstanding, sis."

Mishiga took a detour to his house, as the road he usually went to was under construction. Right in front of him was his sister. She had waist-length moon-white hair, with some of the hair spreading over her shoulder. Her black eyes seemed the same as the colour of outer space.

Mishiga's sister was in the café when he spotted her younger brother, and invited him to join her.

". . . Mishiga, why don't you take off those contact lenses?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"I know your true eye colour, Mishiga. It's not orange. It's sky blue."

"Why do you want me to take it off?"

"Because. . ."

She stood up and leaned towards Mishiga.

"I wanna look at the real you. You're changing, Mishiga. You're more affable and friendly than before. You're always being cold and lonely before, and now. . ."

She put her hand onto Mishiga's, as she stared into Mishiga's eyes.

"You're putting more variety in your life."

She then pulled away from Mishiga and got back to her seat. That was the same time their cappuccino came, as they have the same tastes. Mishiga looked down, and Mishiga's sister knew he was in deep thought.

"I'll. . . I'll think about it."

Mishiga's sister smiled after she sipped some of her cappuccino.

"Good boy."

. . . . . .

Mishiga got back to his house, where μ's were waiting. They got into his house via the key Mishiga's sister gave to Honoka.

[Refer to chapter 12]

"Shire-kun, what took you so. . . Wait, is that you?" Honoka asked. Mishiga looked up at Honoka. He had taken off his contact lenses, revealing his true sky blue eyes. He was also wearing a pair of glasses, which, actually made him seem more charming.

"Yeah. It's me, Kosaka-senpai."

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