chapter 46: a Week Of Test

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Mishiga was now wearing a fresh looking uniform, and walked alongside Rin and Honoka. Rin and Mishiga went to the latter's own house, thinking that Honoka would go there.

He was correct.

"Ah, Shire-kun! Rin-chan!" Honoka yelled out to them. She was in front of the yellow police tape.

"Why're you waiting in front of my house, when you know there're no occupants?" Mishiga asked.

"Sorry. I got too used to it," Honoka replied, smiling sheepishly.

"It's alright, nya!" Rin said out.

"Hey, lookie here!" Maki's voice rang out behind Honoka. They both saw Maki walking towards them.

"If it isn't the orange-haired squad," Maki teased. Mishiga, Rin, and Honoka soon realised that they had one common feature: they have orange hair. They were very embarrassed, realising this.

"So how was your time with Rin?" Honoka asked, changing the subject. Honoka had her eyebrows twitching in a playful manner, causing both Rin and Mishiga to blush.

"It was fine I guess. I was allowed to stay there, and not much happened," Mishiga replied.

"For real?" Maki asked.


"You two didn't do anything to each other?"

"What're you implying?"

"Well. . ."

Both Mishiga and Rin's face became red, as well as Maki and Honoka's soon after.

"Why did you have to bring that up?" Mishiga asked, as he began to imagine him having to do 'it' with Rin, getting a nosebleed in the process.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bring that up!" Maki apologised, getting flustered in the process.

"L-let's just keep moving," Mishiga quickly said, before he speed walked past them.

. . . . . . . . .

"Oh no, what do we do? The tests are starting in a week!!" Honoka yelled out, clearly in distress. Apparently, it was lunch time, and all of μ's and Mishiga were on the rooftop, consuming their lunch food. Of course, Mishiga had to share with the others.

"Minami-senpai, you should help Kosaka-senpai. You two are best friends, right, nya?" Rin suggested.

"I got a simple idea, but I think it'll work," Mishiga suggested. The girls looked at him.

". . . Nishikino-san, I thought you were the genius here," Mishiga said, looking at Maki, who blushed slightly.

"What's with that compliment?!"

"It is true, isn't it?"

"Well. . . Wait, you're the real genius here!"

"How come?"

"You always got highest marks out of everyone!!"

"That's not true! I'm always the runner-up!"

"Guys!! Help me!!!" Honoka yelled to them, catching the attention of Mishiga and the remaining μ's. Mishiga soon heaved a sigh, and said, "gimme your house adress. I'll go to your house for tutor."

". . Wait, you've studied the third year already?" Kotori asked, surprised.

"Well yes. My parents, before they died, always packed me up with advanced knowledge, so I think I can help Kosaka-senp-"

He was cut off when Honoka tackled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Shire-kun!!!!" Honoka yelled to his ear.

"OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY! STOP SCREAMING INTO MY EAR!!" Mishiga yelled back. As soon as Honoka pulled away, his right eat was already ringing as if he heard a gunshot that happened very close to his ear. Honoka, as fast as lightning, grabbed Maki's notebook and began scribbling down her adress. As soon as she finished, she teared it and shoved it to Mishiga.

"See ya after school!!!" She yelled to them, before sprinting down to her next class. Several seconds later, the bell rang, indicating that lunch break was over.

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