chapter 39: Problem

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"Shire-kun. Follow me to the storage, please. I need paint," Eli asked.

"Okay. You lead the way," Mishiga replied. Eli stood up and walked towards the doorway, and Mishiga followed, only to be stopped by a girl with a shoulder length blue hair.

"Uh. . . Yes?" Mishiga asked.

"Do you like Eli-sensei?"

"Uh. . . No. She's older than I am."

"Age is just a number, y'know."

"Okay, I'm gonna take my leave," Mishiga said before walking out of the class. He then shook his head, as he followed an already far away Eli Ayase.

"What took you so long?" Eli asked.

"Sorry, some girl with blue hair asked me if I liked you."

Eli blushed at this, but shook her head.

"It's okay, Shire-kun."

They soon reached the storage room. It was very dark, so Mishiga was glad that he had conveniently brought his shoulder bag, which conveniently had a flashlight in it. Mishiga switched it on, and pointed around for any box that seemed colourful, just like Eli told him. Mishiga felt like he was being ordered around, and he might as well just gave Eli the flashlight and let her look for it. But he's too nice for his own good, so he won't.

After a while, they found the colourful box, and Eli took it out of the storage, while Mishiga switched his flashlight off.

"Take it," Eli told him. Mishiga nodded and took the box from below, unlike Eli, who held it from the top part.

"Let's get going now, alright?" Mishiga said. Eli nodded and once again, lead the way to the classroom, as Mishiga really forgot where it was. After a while, they found it, and the girl with shoulder length blue hair was outside the classroom.

"Eh? Mayuko-chan? Why are you outside?" Eli asked. The little girl, Mayuko, just smiled and opened the door for them.

Once they were inside, Eli's face flared, while Mishiga heaved a sigh and put the box down on the floor. On the blackboard was a drawing of Eli and Mishiga kissing.

'Whoever that drew that is a real freaking artist. I respect this person, but who'd draw this?' Mishiga thought, as if he was usual seeing this. He honestly had during his time in junior high school, and although he was flustered the first few times, he soon put on a masked face that hides his emotions.

That time was the time after Max died, but now, it was different.

"Alright, who drew this?" Mishiga asked the students. They all pointed to the blue haired girl at the doorway, Mayuko. Mishiga kneeled to the girl's height and asked, "why?"

"Because I think you and Eli-sensei look like a really good couple," Mayuko replied, fiddling with her fingers while also having a sheepish smile, which made Mishiga sweat drop.

"Age may be a number, but it's also a barrier, Mayuko-san," Mishiga said, closing his eyes and his mouth straight. (-_-)

"S-sorry." Mayuko looked down. Mishiga smiled a bit and pat her head.

"It's okay. I understand why you did that."

"Really? Why?"

"Because me and Ayase-senpai are opposites?"

"Hey!!" Eli said out, pouting.

"I just noticed this now!" Mayuko said, her face brightened. Eli just kept on blushing, while Mishiga rolled his eyes.

. . . . . . . . . . .

"Class is over!" Eli said out, her entire body stained with paint. Mishiga was stained in paint as well. This was because they had several hours of painting, and Eli and Mishiga were, unfortunately, was in the children's crosshair. Even the girls, which Mishiga had thought to be docile and respectful, had a playful side.

Mishiga and Eli, and a few other volunteers were the only ones to send the children home. Mishiga was glad that there were at least a few who were actually a responsible volunteer, rather than just running off when it's over. What he was more glad, was that the volunteers who helped them send off, were the ones with the piercings. There was also one girl who just seems to wear nothing at all (since she wore clothes that reveals her undergarments) helping them.

"Sorry I was wrong about y'all," Mishiga said to them.

"It's alright," one of them said with a smile, before they left.

"Let's go home, Shire-kun," Eli said. Mishiga nodded, until they heard thunder.

"Ah crap. . ." Mishiga muttered.

"It's gonna rain, huh?" Eli said.

"Ayase-senpai, you better follow me home," Mishiga advised. Before Eli could even reply, rain began pouring down.

"Follow me! My house is closer!" Mishiga continued.

"Okay!" Eli replied, her hands on her head, before she grabbed her bicycle. Mishiga grabbed his bicycle and wore his hoodie, before they both began to cycle towards Mishiga's house in the pouring rain.

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