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Alexa's POV

I wake up with a major neck pain from sleeping on the floor, so I stand up and walk to the kitchen to find a pain killer.

I hear some noise coming from there, and as I get closer I see Rose is making us breakfast.

"You're such a lovely pie." – I tell her.

"Thank you, care to help?" – she says.

"Nah, not really..." – I say while looking for the pain killers.

"What are you looking for?" – she asked after a while.

"Don't worry, I got it." – I say.

"Oh, I'm not worried. It's just that you're putting everything out of place and I just cleaned up..." – She says quietly.

"Hm okay... Do you know where the painkillers are?"

"Yeah, they're on the bathroom, on the shelf  above the tooth brushes and all that."

"Thanks" – I say and start making my way upstairs to the bathroom.

Don't get me wrong I love Rose, but she's always so quiet and tidy. I would like to see her loosen up for a bit, be more fierce. Like me! Even when she's rehearsing, everything has to be perfect.

She seriously surprises me sometimes. She's so shy, but when she's on stage she just transforms into this completely different person. Like she's bringing to life a character or something.

I admit that I get jealous of how organized she is, but sometimes she just exaggerates.

I hear my phone ringing on my room, so I quickly grab the painkillers from the shelf, take one, and then go to my room to see who's calling.

"Hello?" – I say, after picking up the phone.

"Good morning Alexa, it's Lilly, i hope none of you girls forget about the important meeting we have today?"


"Of course we didn't forget! See you in a bit!"

"The meeting starts in 30 minutes, please don't be late!"

"Come on, have I ever disappointed you Lil?"

"Lilly" – she corrected – "And yes Alexa, you have. Quite some times really."

"Okay, I got it! We're coming!" – I say and she hangs up.

I walk to the top of the stairs and start screaming like crazy.

"Okay ladies we have 30 minutes to get to Syco Music! Get ready!!"

"What?" – Anne screamed making the other girls wake up.

"Come on, come on. Hurry up!" – I repeat, this time shaking them up.

"How do you expect us to get ready in so little?" – Monica grumbled.

"I don't know and I don't care either, we have this big meeting so hurry!"

Do you know how difficult it is for a girl to get ready? Now imagine 4 girls trying to get ready in less than 30 minutes.

Yes, 4... Rose was already prepared to go, hair and makeup done.

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