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Narrator's POV

"As I was saying, the food there is delicious. I never ate so well in my life" – Anne said.

It was the morning after her and Alexa's date and the two girls were filling their friends up in the juicy details of their evenings.

They were currently on Joana and Anne's shared room, Joana and Monica laying on one of the beds, Anne on the other while Rose and Alexa were sat on the fluffy carpet, all eyes on Anne.

"You say that about every restaurant we go to Anne" – Rose said.

"I know, but that's beside the point. We talked a lot, like a lot. He told me about his life back at the Bronx, his family. Some real funny stories also. I told him about how we met and how Simon discovered us, a whole bunch of things."

"Yeah yeah, but what else?" – Monica pressed.

"Well after we were finished with our food he all of a sudden asked if I wanted to sing and I was like 'Why not?'. So we went on stage and sang one of our favorite songs 'No Air' and I swear I love his voice."

"Ugh, fucking goals" – Joana said.

"Did you guys kiss tho?" – Alexa said, jumping to the interesting part.

"Well... Yeah..." – Anne said unsurely, looking down at her fingers.

"What do you mean 'well yeah'? Was it bad?" – She pressed.

"No. It was just kinda awkward, but then everything fell into place. We were still on stage and everyone started clicking their glasses like people do on weddings and cheering. I went in to kiss him, but I guess he didn't want to kiss me in front of them so it was a big of a fail. I was feeling really shitty and super embarrassed because I thought he'd reject me in front of everyone to see so I was going to leave the stage and run but he got my wrist first and I turned around. That's when we finally locked eyes and he kissed me."

"Was it g-"

As Joana was going in for another question Anne quickly turned the attention to Alexa, getting sick of the pressure.

"Alexa's turn! How was it? You came home all bubbly and shit" – she said.

"I think he'll ask to be official soon and I don't see myself saying no..." – Alexa said and the girls started screaming and cheering.

"Okay pause! How did that happen" – Monica asked.

"I don't know if it was the beer we had taken, but he was literally pouring his feelings. He told me he's afraid that I break his heart because I usually only do hook ups. But still he'd love to get his heart broken by me"

"Oh my God, did he really?" – Rose said stunned and I nodded.

"Yep, word by word"

"My heart, that's so cute" – Joana said.

"I know, he's just... ugh" – Alexa said throwing herself in Anne's bed and covering her face with a pillow.

"Alexa's falling, Alexa's falling" – the girls started singing which made her throw pillows at them, starting a big pillow fight.

"Guys, as much fun as this has been, I'm starving." – Rose said.

"Yeah, me too. And I'm kind of craving doughnuts, don't ask." – Monica said.

"Uhh, yess! Let's order doughnuts and coffee from Krispy Kreme" – Anne said, getting excited over food, like she always does.

"I'm on it!" – Joana said grabbing her phone to order their food.

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