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Austin's POV

"Where is she?" – I said as I spotted my friends on the hospital's waiting room.

"Calm down, man." – Zion said looking at me.

"She's fine, doctor said it was just the shock." – Rose reassured.

"Yeah, she's going to be out in a little."

"Okay... who were those guys anyways?" – I asked and the girls started sharing weird looks.

"If they're gonna stay we might as well tell them" – Alexa decided.

"Where did you meet them?" – Edwin asked concerned.

"High school" – Alexa said.

"Wait, he's the Jason guy you told me about?" – Nick asked her furious.

"That was him?" – Brandon asked looking at Rose with eyes wide open.

"Wait, you guys know?" – I asked confused.

"Okay, let's just tell everything from the start, so everyone knows the same." – Joana said.

"Wait, but no commenting this with Monica! She'll be pissed..." – Anne suggested and we all agreed.

"So basically we all studied at the same school and the five of them were really close... Guess they still are." – Alexa started.

"Yeah, they were like the popular guys from school or whatever." – Joana added.

"But Anne was friends with one of them, right?" – Rose said.

"Yeah, Guss and I are best friends, we've known each other since we were little, because we were neighbors. We used to play at each others house's and whatnot." – Anne explained.

"And I met Jason, because he told Guss who then told Anne, he was into me." – Rose said. – "Not wanting to get into much detail, we dated for a while, he cheated on me with popular hot cheerleader Alexa..."

"And then proceeded to cheat on me, over and over again with some other bitches." – Alexa added.

"But that makes you a cheater too Alexa" – Edwin said.

"She didn't know about us." – Rose assured.

"Moving on, Jordan and Josh are good, we never really talked to them, right?" – Anne asked.

"Well, I had this thing once or twice with Jordan, but that's that" – Joana said carelessly.

"And they all dance?" – Zion asked.

"Yeah, quite well actually" – Rose admitted.

"Yeah, besides football, they were also on dance club and won a lot of prizes." – Alexa said.

"That's how we get them out!" – Anne suggested – "The competition was meant for beginners, and they clearly aren't beginners!"

"Yeah, we just get them declassified!" – Joana agreed.

"Not so fast girlies... They did win Nationals, but as a team with other 15 people in it or so... They were never given an individual certificate saying they're advanced."

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