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Nick's POV

Last night we were generally all so drunk that we decided to all come to our house so we could take care of each other's hangovers.

Alexa happily slept on my room with me while Anne slept by Edwin's side.

As for Rose, Monica and Joana they slept on our guest room.

And Zion slept with a random girl he met at the party, I assume.

The other day when me and Alexa woke up we could smell the sweet smell of pancakes downstairs.

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure Rose is cooking for us... I love that girl" – Alexa putting her head on my chest while I drew little circles on her bare shoulder.

"Nah, it's Edwin for sure!" – I refuted.

"Wanna bet?" – she defied, moving a little so she could look directly at me.

"Hell yeah! What do I win?" – I said already smirking.

"As if! If I win you'll let me take full control next time..." – she said, catching me off guard.

"Damn ma, now I kinda want you to win..." – I whispered and she smiled. – "Still if I win, you'll let me take you out on a date."

She looked at me with an enigmatic look on her face, I could tell she wasn't expecting it.

"Good thing you're not winning, cause it's not a good idea to be publicly seen together after that blast..."

"I'll find a way to do it without people seeing us, don't worry. We've been hanging out for a while now, why not?" – I said and she smiled harder.

"I hate you Nicholas Mara" – she said rolling out of bed.

"Hey, bring that cute ass back here, it feels cold without you!" – I pouted.

"Sorry, my cute ass is hungry and has a headache." – She said looking for a t-shirt in my drawer.

"Wait for me then!" – I said, getting out of bed myself.

We made our way downstairs, straight to the kitchen to know who had won the bet.

To our surprise both Edwin and Rose were happily cooking while listening to music.

"Guess we both won..." – she whispered in my ear.

By the time we finished setting up the table, everybody was already awake and ready to eat.

"Last night was crazy!" – Zion, who had just dismissed another of his conquests, said.

"We could tell..." – Monica said annoyed.

"I think the whole neighborhood did." – Alexa mocked.

"Look who's talking" – Zion joked – "I was referring to the party tho..."

"It was okay" – Monica opined.

"I had fun" – Rose said.

"Of course you had" – Brandon muttered and Rose's face started heating up so she took a deep breath.

"Thanks for letting me stay over guys, I... I have some work to get done with so I'll be leaving first..." – She said with a small smile taking her plate from the table to the sink and leaving.

"Awkard..." – Joana said and Brandon started rubbing his temples. – "What are you guys's plans for the day?"

"Hm, lazy Sunday I guess" – I said.

"I'm so down for a lazy Sunday!" – Austin said.

"Then what should we do girlies?" – Alexa said, feeding me a strawberry.

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