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Narrator's POV

While everyone was trying to get to know the new members of the crew, Anne was catching up with her old friend.

"So how's life in Houston?"

"You know... things there never really change." – Guss answered humbly.

"That's true... how's your sister? And your mom?"

"They're fine. Bella is a pain in the ass now that she's older. All she talks about in the phone with her friends is makeup and boys and only talks to me whenever she wants a lift or money." – he said and Anne laughed.

"Oh, it's just a phase, you'll see!"

"My mom is just happy that I got this job here I guess."

"About that... Not that I didn't miss you or anything but... Why are you all here? And why didn't you tell me about this? You know, especially about Jason and Sean coming too..."

"I know I should've told you... It's just, everything happened so fast..."

"You can tell me about it..."

"You know Jason, he's my friend, but he's also an asshole..."

"No shit? Haven't figured that one out yet..." – Anne said sarcastically and rolled her eyes which made Guss laugh.

"You know how he's all about revenge ever since Alexa and Rose keyed his Porsche and told his parents he was dealing."

"That's what this is about? That was like 2 years ago..." – Anne said incredulous.

"Well, but he never forgot it... Hence all the fake accounts he's been creating to molest them."

"He's even more of an asshole than I thought..." – Anne scoffed.

"When he told us about how he wanted to enter the contest me and the rest of the boys thought it was better to enter with him, to do damage control. And it's also a big life opportunity I mean..."

"I see... What is he planing on doing, now that he won? Embarrass them?"

"I really don't know about that, but you guys should be careful and keep your guards up."

"Okay... Thank you Guss! I know he's your friend and I'm making you rat him out."

"You're not making me do anything, besides you're still my best friend." – he said and they hugged.

Edwin who was on the other side of the pool furrowed his eyebrows at the action.

"Edwin?" – Brandon repeated.

"Huh?" – He said confused.

"You zoned out for a bit bro... Is everything alright?" – B asked.

"Yeah, of course! How long have you guys been dancing for?"

"Yo are you serious? We're here to get to know each other and have a great fucking time, not to certify they apply for the job!" – Zion said and the new boys laughed.

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