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Narrator's POV

It was around 7 pm when the girls started getting ready for the Jack and Jack single release party that Rose had spent the entire week talking about.

They were all hanging on Joana and Anne's shared room, doing each others hair and makeup with music blasting on the speakers and gossiping.

"So Anne, what's up with you and Edwin?" – Joana asked while doing her makeup.

"What do you mean?" – She asked innocently.

"Don't act clueless, last week on the diner I saw you both goofing around." – Joana explained.

"Yeah and every time we have lunch I see you both making some deep eye contact, feeding each other food..." – Rose added.

"I feel like I'm being ganged up on." – She replied, fake crying.

"Well, you are. Talk." – Monica said.

"Always so sweet Monica" – she said.

"Nah huh, don't try and change the subject. What's really going on?" – Joana pressed.

"I don't know girlies... We just get along I guess!" – she shrugged.

"That's not just getting along, I see real chemistry there" – Alexa said.

"You weren't even there yesterday!" – Anne said laughing.

"I wasn't indeed, but I did see you both today. And I think y'all should hook up!"

"I'm not hooking up with him just for the fun of it Alexa, that's not me."

"Well, do you like him?" – Joana insisted.

"Guys, can we please attack someone else, I'm feeling uncomfortable!"

"All I'm tryna say is: As your friend, I see you both, and it's cute between you. I see you smiling all cheesy and stuff. Maybe, you should give you guys a try!"

"You really think so?" – Anne asked.

"Yeah, one hundred per cent sure!" – And that's when Anne realized there was never going to happen anything between her and Joana.

Now Anne did enjoy spending time with Edwin, they had similar personalities, found the same things funny and got along quite well. She could see herself liking him in the future, but she never gave it much thought, because she was still struggling to understand how she felt about Joana. This conversation put all doubts behind her though. There was nothing, and there won't ever be anything between Joana and her...

"Sooo?" – Rose asked.

"So, we'll see!" – she simply responded.

"Y'all mean for attacking me like that, I say we attack Alexa next!" – she added.

"Well, you can't attack me! I already told you all the shit that went down between me and Nick."

"She's right A..." – Joana said.

"Monica then"

"What about me?" – she asked, confusion splattered on her face.

"You and Austin?" – Anne pressed.

"Bitch, please. He could never..." – Monica quickly brushed it off.

"What about Zion?" – Joana asked.

"You can have him, boy's a player though. You might wanna watch out for that."

"Well, then what about Rose?" – Anne insisted.

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