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Zion's POV

"Wassup!" I saw Nick trying to start a conversation with Alexa, but she was too caught up in her phone.

Nick looked at me for support so I told him to go on.

"You seem a little distracted, who you texting? The boyfriend?"

I wanna face palm myself so bad right now. Who says that?

"Who cares?" – She said finally lifting her head, making eye contact with him.

"Oh, Nick, it's you!" – She says smiling as soon as she realizes who she's talking to – "I don't have a boyfriend, I was just texting my mom about the tour..."

"You excited for tour?" – He asked.

"Extremely excited." – She said smirking a little – "Plus, I have the feeling we're going to be very good friends"

"Yeah, everyone is getting along pretty nice."

Is you dumb? She was clearly talking about you bruh...

Wait a second, why am I here watching Nick trying to make a move, when I could be making a move myself?

I mouthed a 'You're on your own' to Nick and I started scanning the room.

So there's Rose, but she too shy for me.

There's also Monica, but I don't think she's the social type of girl. She seems like she's always mad or something.

Anne is gorgeous, and so is Joana.
What do I do now? I can't make a move on both, that's fucked up...

Guess I'm just going to ask around, see if any of them as a boyfriend.

Maybe I shouldn't. I don't wanna sound like a dick.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when someone bumps into me and let's a load of files fall on the floor.

"You okay?" – I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm so sorry, I- I should've been more careful! Oh, how stupid am I" – the girl started freaking out.

"Hey, hey shh! Rose it's fine, no need to stress out" – I said in an attempt to calm her down.

"Shit this hurts." She said looking at her hand.

"Did that happen now?" – I asked, no way someone would cut herself like that just by falling.

"No, no... It was this morning in the kitchen. I didn't have time to put something on this." – she said looking at her palm.

"Shit, let's go find a first aid kit." – I said, helping her pick her things up and grabbing her by the wrist.

"Oh my God, i'm bothering you too much, i'm so so-"

"Stop apologizing, I told you it's fine" – I said, interrupting her.

"Okay sor-" She stopped and looked at me and we both started laughing.

At first her hand was shaking a little. Maybe because I was touching her, which I thought was cute.

"There you go, good as new!" – I said smiling at her. She's way less nervous now that I'm done.

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