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Austin's POV

I woke up to the sound of those fuckers getting lit. Who the fuck turns up this early in the morning?

I jump out of bed and make my way to my bathroom to wash up.

After that I put on a random tee, black jeans and my black vans, and make my way downstairs.

"Oh look, the princess is up, and in a better mood I hope" – Zion teases and they all look at me not knowing how I'll react to this comment.

"My dog died..." – I said quietly trying hard to hold back the tears. I don't wanna cry again.

Some people find this ridiculous, but they don't know what it is to have a real connection with a pet. He was always there for me in my up's and in my down's, never betrayed me... And now he's gone.

We group hugged and then I apologized for my attitude yesterday.

"We now understand why you acted like you did yesterday, but I have to tell you... You fucked up bad with that Monica girl!" – Edwin said.

"I know, I know... I regretted it as soon as the words came out of my mouth... That was so stupid of me, I have to apologize today." – I said.

"Let's see if she shows up! Yesterday she was so embarrassed that she skipped second practice..." – Nick said.

"Shit, I messed up..." – I said, face palming myself continuously.

"Don't beat yourself up like that! What is done, is done... Now all you have left is trying to fix it." – Brandon said.

"Well, let's go eat! Thank God today is recording day!" – Zion said changing the mood a bit.

After having breakfast we got in the car and sped up to the studio.

"Good morning" – I said when I saw the girls in the recording room.

"Hey! You guys arrived just on time, we were about to start warming up. Join in!" – Rose said smilingly.

After warming up together, we started taking turns to go record and the boys did all they could to leave me paired up with Monica... Poor girl, she must hate me...

"Let's just go..." – she said quietly leading the way.

I followed her, not saying a word.

"Hey guys, I'm going to make a bathroom pause, I'll be back in a little!" – the producer said and winked at me when Monica wasn't looking.

My group mates are the best.

"So, I've been meaning to talk to you-"

"Don't." – she said sternly, not making eye contact with me.

"I'm sorry"

"Just stop talking, can you?!" – she said, now looking at me, straight in the eye, fury evident in her gaze.

"I know you're mad, and you have all the right to! What I said was fucked up, I didn't even mean it, I was hurting and I had no right saying that, at all!" – I tried to explain and she rolled her eyes.

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