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Brandon's POV

I can't believe that I was fooled like this... Went all the way, thinking she was hurting because of me, and that I'd be the one putting back a smile on her face, when in reality, someone else was already doing it for me...

Scrolling through my Instagram I found myself looking at a picture from them both, "bestie" it reads. Did i maybe... overreact?

No, she made it clear she felt nothing back. So I should just move on, which is kinda hard knowing I'll have to practice with her tomorrow. Fuck.

I put my phone on my side desk and let my self relax as I lay on my bed ready for this day to end.


"I'm sorry Brandon, I just didn't have the courage to tell you..."

"Tell me what?" – I said furrowing my eyebrows

"That I'm in love with you!" – She said and I smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" – she said stepping a little closer and kissing me passionately.

Something is not right.

"But, I have to say... I love him too"


"I already talked to him, he doesn't mind sharing me with you! Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, I don't mind as long as I get to have you" – I said and she smiled. What the heck?

"Now we can be happy, the 3 of us... Forever"

I woke up startled. Fuck, it was just a nightmare. Share, me? Don't think so...

I quickly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to wash myself before throwing some random clothes on me for practice.

I went downstairs and helped Edwin with breakfast.

"Hey man" – I said as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning" – He said while frying some eggs and bacon.

"So, I just had the weirdest dream, where me and Jack agreed to both date Rose." – I said opening the fridge door to get some oranges.

"Would you do it?" – he said laughing.

"Hell no..." – I said as I closed the fridge door back.

"You must be really bummed about what happened yesterday, hun?"

"Well, she did say they're just friends... But I also did see them both go upstairs alone on the party, and God knows what they did there." – I said, sighting, as I went to one of the cabinets to get the juice machine.

"Hey, calm down man! Don't forget this is Rose we're talking about... She would never."

"I know, I know, but she was pretty drunk that night. She even tried to undress herself outside!" I said and then started to peel the oranges and put them inside the recipient.

"Jack's also our friend, he would never do something like that. Especially if she was that drunk."

"Yeah, you're right. It's just... I feel so... Don't even know how to explain it..."

"Sad? Hurt?"

"Yeah, possibly... I did tell her I liked her and she didn't say it back. That shit hit me hard y'know..."


"Yeah... I really did think we we're getting somewhere ya feel?" – I said sighting once more – "I'm done talking about me tho, what's up with you and Anne, anyways?"

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