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Brandon's POV

We got home and sat down on the kitchen.

"This tour finna be lit plus we have girls with us. Wasn't expecting that at all." – Edwin said.

"Yeah and y'all even got duets with them!" – Zion said.

"Yeah bro, let's talk about that Alexa girl she's fine and she was all over you Nick!" – I said.

"I thought that too, but then she said those things about high notes and whatever." – he said confused.

"Come on bro, you really bought that? That's bullshit, she's totally into you." – Zion said and Nick blushed.

"Woah, did I just witness THE Nick Mara blushing?!" – Zion said acting shook and we all laughed.

"But in all seriousness guys. Wassup with that girl Rose? She seemed like she was 'bout to faint or something! And with that little attitude of hers asking if we were going on tour with them, I thought she was nice..." – Edwin said concerned.

"Poor girl, she must've been just nervous or something. She cute though..." – I said trying to remember what she looked like.

"Yeah I saw you too, checking the girl out hm..." – Austin teased and they all started screaming and jumping on me.

"I say we stop thinking about that, and enjoy our last days of freedom, because Simon's expecting us to give it all." – I say, changing the topic a bit, and they all agree.

Anne's POV

We were all in Rose and Alexa's room giving each other makeovers when suddenly a question popped into my head.

"Hey Monica?"

"Hm?" – she answered me, while contouring my face.

"When Simon told you to choose why didn't you just choose Zion right away, since you 'chose' him the other night?" – I asked.

"You know what, I was curious about that as well!" – Alexa butted in.

"Because I want what's best for me, and Simon knows what's better than I do. Now duck face." – She simply said.

"You're lying, it's easy to tell" – Joana said while straightening my hair.

"Did you change your mind about him?" – Rose asked, never losing her focus on Alexa's eyebrow.

"No. It's just- Ugh, fine. I knew Joana was also into him so I didn't want to hurt her feelings, that's all." – Monica answered.

"Wait a second! So Monica actually has feelings? You actually have a heart in there?" – I said playfully.

"Well that's sweet, thanks!" – Joana said.

"So I'm assuming that you also didn't choose Edwin because of me, right?" – I asked once more.

"No! Stop moving you'll ruin this"

"Fine, yes..." – she whispered, hoping no one would listen.

"Who knew Monica could actually be nice?" – Alexa teased.

"Shut up, this is never going to happen again so don't get used to it." – she said with a straight face.

Monica is an odd girl. She never smiles, never (emphasis on 'never') talks about her feelings, doesn't laugh at people's jokes. She's always kinda in her own world.

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