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Edwin's POV

When we got home Austin wasn't there. Probably went skating. We could call him, but we know better than to piss him of in days like this.

Nick and Brandon went out to get some goodies for the party while me and Zion were doing a playlist for the party.

"Hey, we should totally hit the pool today." – Zion said.

"Text the girls and tell'em to bring suits"

"Will do!" – he said grabbing his phone and scrolling through his contact list.

"I don't have their numbers yet." – he realized after a while.

"Then drop the idea, we'll find somethin' else to do." – I said – "Come on, help me put the speakers outside."

Sometime later everything was ready and the girls arrived.

"Welcome to the PrettyMuch house! Everyone's in the backyard." – I said.

"Shit, how come your house is bigger than ours?" – Anne said.

"Maybe because we're more talented..." – I said.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that babe." – Joana said.

Did she just call me 'babe'? Why is she so flirty today?

"You guys have a pool? And a hot tub?" – Alexa said when we got outside.

"Yeah, we were going to tell you guys to bring suits, but then realized we don't have your numbers..." – Zion said.

"Who cares about suits?" – Alexa said and started undressing herself, revealing a red lace lingerie.

We all shared surprised looks, not believing the boldness of the blondie.

"What are y'all waiting for? Get in!" – She said getting in the pool herself.

Joana and Anne looked at each other and then started undressing as well.

I couldn't help but to stare at them. Damn, these girls are fine...
Anne was wearing calvin klein's burgundy underwear while Joana wore a embroidery rose lingerie.

"They can't be for real right now." – I whispered to Zion.

"They must be testing us. Look at those bodies..." – He whispered back.

"I'm down if you guys are down!"  – Nick said.

"Let's get it!" – Zion said and we all got in except for Brandon and Rose.

"Come on you two!" – Anne said.

"Oh, you can go! I'll be here." – I heard Rose saying.

"I'm not letting you behind..." – he said.

"Don't do that. I don't feel like it, but go have fun..." – she insisted.

"I have an idea, come with me..." – Brandon said and they both disappeared.

"Aye, peep this!" – Zion called out before doing a perfect backflip into the pool.

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