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Zion's POV

We all went home to get our skateboards before heading to the skate park.

When we got there, there was an amount of people watching someone doing tricks I suppose.

Me and the boys got closer to see who everyone was looking at and we witnessed something that I never thought could happen in a million years.

Monica was skating like a damn pro.

I couldn't skate like that even if I wanted to, I would bust my ass on the floor in no time.

I looked over at my friends and they were as surprised as I was.

After a while she eventually got tired and got off her longboard, she and the girls making their way towards us.

"That was incredible, didn't know you could skate like that!" – Austin spoke up.

"Well now you know!" – she said and playfully winked at him, making Austin's cheeks turn a light pink.

At this involuntary action of his I took a moment to check the girl out.

She was wearing a white t-shirt with a pink skater skirt above the knee and black converse, her curly and voluminous red hair all over the place.

I find myself staring at her eyes. Blue like the ocean. Make my way to her cheeks just to witness the soft freckles scattered on her face, and finally to her lips.

She isn't so bad herself...

I thought as I stopped analyzing her. I'll rephrase that, she's actually beautiful, though she could be nicer. I don't know, she's too stuck up, like someone did her wrong or something.

"That was nothing special, bet you couldn't do some real tricks." – I teased, getting annoyed of hearing all those compliments.

"You've gotten yourself a bet Kuwonu. How about you and Austin try skate dancing, and me and Joana beat your asses on the halfpipes." – she teased back.

"Joana will what?" – she said, turning her attention to our conversation, when hearing her name.

"Me and you are going to show this fellas how to use a halfpipe properly."

"I'm so down!" – Joana said.

"I'm surprised you guys even know what a halfpipe is." – Austin said and I laughed, high-fiving him.

"How funny" – she said sarcastically.

We made our way to one of the halfpipes that wasn't being used, while the others sat down watching us.

"Okay, girls. Me and Austin decided we're going easy on you, so you just need to do mimic whatever we do, kay?"

"Fine." – they agreed.

Austin started by doing a basic Drop In, a Tail Stall and then a Half cab rock to fakie.

"You're joking, right? You think this low of us?" – Joana said, looking at me with one of her eyebrows arched.

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