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Alexa's POV

Nick and I were having fun while working on our dance routine when one of Simon's assistants came to view.

"Alexandra and Nicholas, Simon Cowell wants to see you both in his room at 4th floor. May I escort you?" – She said with a fake smile.

"You ask like we have a choice... "

"I'm just doing as I'm told. Now shall we?"

"You talk funny" – I said and Nick nudged me a little on the side, giving me a side smile.

"What?" – I mouthed, smirking.

"Let's just go" – he said grabbing my hand.

After being escorted like babies up until the floor Simon's in, I lightly knocked on the door and then opened it.

"You wanted to see us?" – I said laying down on one of the sofas on his room while Nick just sat on the chair in front of Simon's desk.

"Yes, Alexa" – he sighed choosing to ignore my current comfortable position on his couch – "As I believe Nick told you, I've been trying to find the best way to handle things, and I think we need to take drastic measures in the future so things like that blast don't happen again"

"It's all your fault tho... You were the one who sent those fucktards to follow us around all day!"

"Language! I did it as a marketing strategy! And I really did think that you were old enough for me not to tell you about that decision! You have 12 year olds watching you! Following your example, do you understand what that means Alexa? You have to be more responsible and less impulsive!" – he said looking me straight in the eyes.

What the hell?

"Wait, why am I the only one getting scolded here? It's not like I could've done it by myself!" – I said quickly getting up from the sofa and looking at Simon incredulously.

"She's right sir, it was my irresponsibility as well" – Nick said.

"I'm aware of that, but the thing is this kind of unthought behavior comes from Alexa all the time. I keep trusting you, but you keep disappointing me! It's like you forget that everything you do affects the other girls image as well, you're their leader after all!"

"What do you want me to do then? Do you want me to leave or something?" – I said irritated.

"There you go with your impulsive behavior... Can you even imagine how this would affect your friends if you left Little Beatz?" – he said and I remained silent.

"Of course you don't..." – he said sighting and massaging his temples – "For now? I just want you to be careful... Those paps were there because I sent them, but next time it might not be the same. Let's just let the blast die down and then I'll find a way to make you seem like a... responsible person."

He said, the last part coming more as a laugh than anything.

"Can I be dismissed now?" – I said looking down at the ground.

"Yes, Alexa you and Nick may go now." – Simon said pointing at the door.

I left the room, a tear running down my cheek.

"Hey, hey, hey don't cry!" – He said wiping my cheek.

"Why should I not?" – I said and another tear ran down.

"Because he was too harsh on you! I'm responsible for what happened as well."

"Have you not heard a thing he said? This is frequent behavior coming from me! I'm going to be the death of this group..."

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