
920 28 6

Joana's POV

"Damn, It's getting cold..." – I said hugging my body.

"Yeah, we should probably go." – Zion said as he finished tightening my skateboard wheels.

Suddenly I hear cameras shooting so I turn my head towards the place the sound is coming from.



"Is it just me or those guys over there are paparazzi?"

"Shit, they are!" – he said after a while. 

"What? How?"

"I'll tell you how: Simon called them. He just texted me." – Brandon, who had just arrived, said.

"Why would he do that?" – I asked.

"In order to get people to see us and believe we were together, there has to be evidence, right?"

"Proof or never happened, I see..."

"Well, what do we do?" – Anne asked.

"Just act normal, I guess..." – He said.

"I say we go eat somewhere 'cause I'm starving!" – Rose said.

"Yeah, me too..." – Zion said.

"I might know a cool place..." – Austin said.

"Lead the way then" – Edwin said.

While Austin distances himself a little to call an uber, we stayed all together making conversation.

"Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable with them watching us?" – Rose said.

"Yes" – Monica said with a straight face. Guess good Monica time's up.

"By the way, have any of you seen Nick and Alexa?" – Anne asked.

"I saw them leaving a while ago, don't know where to tho..." – Brandon said.

"Maybe we should text them about the paparazzi's." – Rose said.

"Yeah, I'll do it!" – I offered.


Where are you guys? •


• At the prettymuch house, why?


Oh that's good! •

Simon hired some paparazzi to watch • our every move so try not to do anything stupid...

"The uber's here you guys." – Austin said.

We make our way to the car, realizing, as we get close, how small it actually was for all of us.

"Austin, what the fuck? How are we supposed to get all in there?" – I asked.

"Sorry, forgot to ask for a bigger one. Just squish in or go on someone's lap, it's a short ride..." – He suggested.

"Next time let me pick the uber. No harsh feelings." - commented Monica, before getting in at the front passenger seat.

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