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Rose's POV

Anne and Joana were already asleep (which is weird given the fact that it's only 6pm now) when I started getting ready for my date with Brandon. I had two options left: ask Monica for help or ask Alexa for help. I think my choice is pretty obvious.

"Monica, will you help me get ready?" – I said bursting into her pink room.

"Doesn't any of you know how to knock on a door?" – She said sounding annoyed.

"I'm sorry!"– I said.

"Why don't you ask anyone else for help?"

"Joana and Anne are sleeping, and Alexa will make me look like a slut. I trust you'll help me better."

"I heard that!" – Alexa screen from the other room.

"Go get your make up, I'll help you" – she said applying one less code of pink polish her nails.

I went to my room and gathered all my makeup, as well as some of the outfits I was thinking about wearing, then made my way back to Monica's room.

"So are you nervous?"– She said as she started applying primer to my face.

"I'm a pile of nerves" – I answered while looking for my foundation.

"Do you want to open a bottle of champagne?" – She asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What for?"

"I don't know, maybe if you're a little buzzed, you won't be nervous!"

"We can't even drink, I'm 17!"

"You've never had a drink?"

"I have tried, but never really drank. Where did you even get that?"

"I have my secrets..." That she said smiling.

"You have a lot of secrets..." – I said, handing her the foundation brush.

"Where is he taking you?" – She asked attempting to change the subject.

"You know that new restaurant that just opened? The one everyone's been talking about, near the casino. Yeah, that one."

"Chin up. I can't believe this is actually happening, don't you think this is to brushed?"

"Yeah, I do. But, I bet he's only doing this so we can finally do that stupid routine without me messing it up!"

"Don't say that! He might actually like you. You'll only know if you give it a try! Where is the concealer?"

"Here" – I said, handing it to her – "I just- I don't think will do that much bonding sitting in the fancy restaurant! If anything, it'll only make me feel more nervous, you know?"

"Ah, Rose. You worry too much, you know that, right?"

"I know, I know. I just don't want to mess up more than I have already!" – I said sighting.

"Contour stick" – she said and I handed it to her.



"How come you live in this pretty pink world, but act so dark?" – The question got a bit deeper than I initially intended it to be.

"What do you mean?"

"You're a really sweet person, but you always act like you're not capable of loving..."

"I don't choose to be like this, just like you didn't choose to be shy or whatever it is that you are. It's just in me, I guess."

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