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Monica's POV

Yesterday afternoon was disastrous.
I really don't know what I was thinking about.

By the end the walls were so poorly painted that I almost wished they were pink again.

I ended up calling Simon to tell him I was sick of the house and tried to fix it. Oddly enough he completely understood it, gave me the number of an interior designer he knew and booked us a reservation on a hotel nearby for the time the house would be under construction.

"We're going to live in a hotel?" – Anne said excited.

"Yeah, that's what he said! We should send the designers the planification of what we want and by the time we come from tour we should have a fresh new house!"

"Are you serious? So I won't be able to go to the studio for the next few months?" – Rose said unhappy.

"Well... Think about it! We were already going on tour anyway so... You'd have to take a break from the studio anyways." – I tried to convince her.

"The harm's already done, I mean look at our walls..." – Joana chuckled – "And it'll be fun to spend some time in a hotel for a change"

"Yeah, let's try to look at the bright side! Massages, Pedicures, Sauna, Pool , Jacuzzi, Bars... I can't really find any reason why not to."

We packed our stuff and went to the 5 star hotel. When we got to the reception they gave us 5 keys.

"Wait! We'll have individual rooms?" – Alexa said.

"This is sick!" – Anne said running to the elevator.

"Separate rooms? No bonding time as well..." – Rose said shrugging. She was really not having the whole hotel idea, which made me feel bad, given the fact that it was my idea.

"You can sleep in my room everyday until tour!" – I suggested.

"Thanks, but no thanks" – she said and left me behind. – "Wouldn't want to ruin your peace..."

Sometime after I had settled in my hotel room I felt kinda lonely and knocked on Rose's door.

"Rose, is this really still about the studio?"

"I'm sorry... I guess I'm just a little grumpy and tired that's all..." – she sighted – "I accept your offer, if it's still up"

"It is" – I said smiling.

Just then we heard knocking and it was the rest of the girls. Turns out they too were feeling strange about the individual room thing.

We ended up ordering room service and eating dinner together.

"So like, the final results of the dancing competition come tomorrow." – Anne said while unladylike devouring her food.

"I'm literally so excited to see the results! Imagine having some full course meals dancing with us?" – Alexa said.

"And here I thought you were going to be loyal to Nick" – Rose shook her head.

"I am loyal, but that doesn't mean I'm suddenly blind!" – Alexa joked.

"Fucking preach it" – Joana said laughing.

"How about we don't see the results when they come out tomorrow?" – I suggested.

"How do we do that? It's going to be all over social media, bet" – Anne stated.

"Then let's put restrictions on all of our timelines!" – I said - "It'll be different to only see them when they walk in on monday practice!"

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