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Alexa's POV

It was around 7pm when I woke up. I bit my lip at the thought of what we did that afternoon. I had the feeling Nick would be good at it, but after actually experiencing it I have a better opinion about his abilities, if that's even possible.

I looked over at Nick and he was still sound asleep. We must've fallen asleep while cuddling with each other.

After stretching myself, I got off the bed and searched for my clothes, getting dressed as I found them.

I made my way to the kitchen where I had let my phone and treated myself to some coffee.

I was scrolling through my social media and siping my coffee when I received a text from Joana.


• Where are you guys?


At the prettymuch house, why? •


• Oh that's good!

• Simon hired some paparazzi to watch our every move so try not to do anything stupid...

Next thing I hear is the mug I had a few moments ago in my hand, crashing itself into a million pieces on the ground.

"Shit, shit, shit!" – I cursed, as I noticed some of them had made small bruises on my legs.

"What happened?" – Nick, who was still rubbing his eyes, had appeared in the kitchen door with a confuse expression in his face.

"I think I made a mistake." – I started by saying, not really knowing how I should bring the subject up.

"It's just a mug, we'll buy another one. Here, I'll help you pick the broken pieces." – He said getting a broom and a mop.

That's not it you fool

"Nick you don't understand, we have a serious problem."

"What is it? You're not regretting having -" – he pondered and I shushed I'm before he could finish his sentence.

"Shh, don't be stupid!"

"Then what is it?" – he said and stopped cleaning the floor.

"Tomorrow, there's a big probability that our little scene at your porch will be all over social media..." – I said.

"What? How?"

"Joana told me that Simon tipped the paparazzi to follow us around..."

"Are you serious?" – he said with wide eyes.

"Dead ass"

"Now what?"

"They're probably selling those pictures by now" – I said flipping my blonde hair to the side.

"Fuck Simon, man..." he said punching the kitchen table.

"Well, let's not stress out... It's just us making out" – I tried to assure him.

"Yeah, but how will we justify what happened to our fans? Are we going to say that we're dating? Are we saying that we're sex buds?! That it was a one time thing?" – he said whisper shouting.

"We can't say any of that..." – I said rubbing circles in my forehead.

"I'm going to call management and see what we should do..." – he said before leaving me to clean the mess I made.

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