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TW: None

P.S. I don't know if any of this stuff is true about rehab, so I'm sorry if it's inaccurate.

Evan's POV

I looked through my drawers one last time just to see if there was anything I missed. Nope. Everything was folded neatly in my suitcase.

I took a deep breath and looked around my room. I would miss these four familiar walls for the few weeks I would be gone.

I was going to rehab.

I grabbed my suitcase and phone as walked into the hallway. I placed my things in front of the door. For the next few minutes, I meandered through the apartment. I would really miss this place. It's only for a few weeks, I reminded myself. Once I finished, I put my coat and shoes on.

"EVAN! DON'T YOU DARE WALK OUT THAT DOOR!" Leo screeched as he ran down the hall. He skidded to a stop in front of me.

"I-I would never f-forget to s-say goodbye." I chuckled as he pulled me into a hug.

"I want you to text me everyday. Or write me letters. If you don't I'll gather the gang and break you out." Leo told me. I nodded. We hugged one last time as we waited for Mom to pull up outside. She would be the one to drive me there.

I jumped when I heard a car horn honk.

"Tell Heidi I said hi. Now go. I'll miss you!" He yelled as I walked to Mom's car, my bag in tow. I popped open the trunk and gently placed my bag in. I walked over to the passenger's side, opened the door, and jumped in.

"H-Hi Mom." I said as I buckled up.

"Hi sweetie! Are you excited?" She asked me with a big grin on her face as she pulled away from the apartment. I waved at Leo (Through a window) before muttering,

"Kind of." She glanced over at me, still smiling, and turned up the radio. I couldn't help but dance a little. Then it turned into performing a concert with Mom. Full out singing and dancing. I had missed these moments.

When I was younger, we would do this all the time. But as I grew older, anxiety took over. I hated singing or dancing in front of anyone. And then I moved away. We hadn't done this for years. It was only fitting that we were doing this now, right before I went away.

I knew a few things about the place. It was called Wayfort Rehab Center. In a brochure Mom had showed me, I found out that people of all ages were welcome. It also said that no one would be discriminated or made fun of for their race, sexuality, gender, religion, etc. That made everything a little bit easier for me. I wouldn't have to worry about being made fun of. Of course I still would.

The car ride dragged on. Wayfort was hours away. I must've fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes we were there. The sky blue building seemed huge. Mom drove us through old-fashioned iron gates. We passed by big green lawns with people relaxing or playing sports. After a few more minutes, the two of us reached the office.

I felt my hands clam up and start to shake. I shoved them deep into my pants pocket. That's something Connor would do, a voice in my head scolded. I quickly pulled them out. Mom and I got out of the car and walked up to the door. She opened it and I followed her inside.

"Hi, I'm Heidi Hansen. I'm here to check my son Evan in." She told a man behind the counter. He nodded and typed something up on his computer.

"Alright, everything is all good. Did he bring anything?" The man asked. Mom facepalmed.

"I left it in the car. I'll be right back." She said before rushing out the door. I racked my brain for conversation starters, but drew a blank. An awkward silence settled over us as I looked all around the room, avoiding his eyes. After what seemed like an eternity, Mom can back with my bag in hand. I muttered a quiet thank you.

"I'll give you two a few minutes to say goodbye." The man told us as he left the room.

"Be a good boy, okay? If you don't like it here you can always call me. Try to meet new people. I think visits are allowed. Expect some friends. Expect me too. I love you Evan." Mom whispered in my ear as she hugged me. I held on tight.

"I l-love you M-Mom." I whispered back. She pulled away and brushed some of my hair out of my face. Just then, the man can back into the room with a bright yellow folder. Mom took that as her cue to leave. She waved one last time as she walked out the door.

"Ok Evan. My name is Henry. This folder has all the information you'll need. It has your schedule, your sleeping arrangements, and different activities you can do in you free time. Your roomate will explain all the rules. If you have any problems, feel free to talk to me or another staff member." Henry told me. I nodded and took the folder. All of a sudden, a man who looked to be around my age walked in.

"You must be Evan right? I'm Justin Laboy, your roomate." He told me as he extended his hand. I wiped my hand on my pants before I shook his hand.

"Let's get you back to the room. Then we can go through your folder." Justin said as he led me our of the room and down the hall.

This was going to be a long day.

Hey there my homeslices! I hope you liked the chapter! Expect some more musical references in the upcoming chapters! Yeet. Does anybody want to start a lyric chain? I love those. Choose whatever musical song you want. I will most likely join in. Please start one. I'll most likely be up late again and I'll be bored. And lonely. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! *Confetti cannons go off as kazoos start to play to sincerely me* Start your New Year off right by playing Sincerely me at exactly 11:59:21 so at midnight Jared says "Kinky!" Thank all of you so much for reading. Love you guys!


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