Only Us

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TW: None

Zoe's POV

"Does my shirt look okay?" Piper asked us as she looked in the mirror.

"Stop worrying so much. You look amazing." Alana told her. Piper's phone dinged. She gave it a quick glance.

"Leo's here! I gotta go. I'll see you guys later." She said with a smile on her face as she rushed out the door. With Piper gone, the apartment was silent. I could hear the ticking of a clock. I flopped onto Alana's bed.

"Lana, why don't we go on dates anymore?" I asked, breaking up the silence. Her head snapped up from the book she was reading.

"Both of us are very busy." Alana explained.

"No, you're busy. You always have to be at this class or that club." I sighed as tears started to prick my eyes.

"Zoe..." She started. She didn't get to finish. Alana was cut off as I started to sob. She left her phone on a chair and rushed over to me. She sat down next to me and held me close.

"It's okay." Alana whispered as she stroked my hair.

"I feel like we get no time to ourselves anymore! You always have to do something with your academics! Or something bad has to happen with our friends! I love them, but I can't take it! I just want it to be us!" I wailed.

"Then it can be us." Alana told me.

"It can be us." I repeated in a whisper.

"And only us." She told me as she gazed into my eyes. We stayed like that, Alana holding me, for a while. Her eyes quickly glanced at my lips. I couldn't help but chuckle through my tears. She blushed and started to pull away. I grabbed her face and smashed her lips to mine.

We had been together for a few years by now. I would never get over kissing Alana though. It made my whole world screech to a halt. My heart pound so loud I thought everyone in the apartment could hear it. I would never be able to get over her and how she made me feel.

We pulled away with red faces.

"Do you wanna go on a date right now? Just the two of us? Only us?" Alana asked with a grin.

"I thought you'd never ask." I teased as I booped her nose. The two of is got up off her bed. We put on our shoes and pulled on our coats. We grabbed our phones and some cash. Then we were out the door.

"Do you know where we're going?" I questioned Alana as we walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand.

"Nope." She told me. My heart swelled with pride. Alana Beck, who always organized everything down to the very specific details, had no clue where we should go.

"I think we should try something new." I suggested. We glanced at different restaurants and cafes as we walked down the sidewalk. After walking for a while, we stopped in front of a diner.

The Hidden Gem

The sign flickered a few times. I looked over at Alana to see her staring back at me.

"What about here? It looks nice." She said. I nodded my head as a grin grew on my face. We walked into the diner hand in hand.

The smell of coffee and burgers hit me first. I glanced around and realized there was a 50's theme. All of the waitresses wore pink poodle skirts. The floor was covered in black and white tiles. As I continued to look around, I liked the place more and more.

Within minutes of stepping in, a waitress brought us over to a booth and gave us two menus.

"I'll be back to get your orders in a minute." She told us. I looked over the menu and knew what I wanted right away. A cheeseburger of course.

"Lana, what are you gonna get?" I questioned as I stared at her. She looked up from the menu and blushed, her newfound confidence gone.

"I was thinking about getting a salad." Alana admitted. I pouted.

"You get salads all the time. Live a little. Try something new!" I exclaimed.

"I guess I'll get some fries." She overdramtically sighed, a huge smile on her face. We put the menus down and I grabbed her hand.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Love you more." She whispered back. The two of us were both blushing when the waitress came back. She looked down at our intertwined hands and blushing faces. I expected her to be disgusted. Instead she smiled.

"You two girls dating?" The waitress asked. I nodded. She took our orders and before she left again she told us,

"We just fixed our jukebox. You two should go pick out a song." Alana blushed and pushed up her glasses.

"Let's do it." I said. Her eyes locked with mine.

"Zoe, you don't have to." She advised. I shrugged and stood up. I grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the jukebox. I pulled out some spare change and flipped through the song book. Then I saw it. I put in my change and chose the song.

I brought Alana over to the middle of the open floor. Her eyes flashed with recognition as she heard the first few notes. I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist. Now blushing like crazy, she wrapped her arms around my neck. We swayed to the beat as Elvis started to sing.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you." The two of us mouthed the lyrics to each other throughout the whole song. I could feel everyone's eyes on us, but I could care less.

It was only us.

Yo. Hope you guys liked the chapter! I feel like I haven't given you guys any galaxy girls and they needed some spotlight time. So here it is! Not a lot is going on with me. Its super fucking cold in NJ. I have no clue how much snow we got, but its a lot. There are huge snow drifts in my backyard that go up to half the backdoor. Its crazy. That's it. Oh! I just need to get this out of the way now. On Monday I have my first rehearsal for Into The Woods if school isn't canceled. Cause more snow. Yay. So I most likely won't be updating then. Anyway, thank you so much for reading the chapter! I love you guys!


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