A Turn for the Worse

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TW: The no consent thing again but there's more of it this time.

Evan's POV

I snapped back to reality. His lips were still on mine. His hands were still on my waist. I pulled away, face burning and panting.

"I-I have to g-go." I said before turning around and pulling open the door.

"Evan, wait!" Marcus yelled. It was too late. I was already running down the hall. I could hear my heart beating like a firing gun as I skidded to a stop. I looked around for a way out. Then I saw it.

A staircase.

I took two stairs at a time, almost falling over in the process. I felt like Marcus was chasing me. Like he was right behind me. I looked over my shoulder and tripped. I tumbled down the stairs and onto a landing. I quickly stood up and sped down the next flight.

I pushed open the door.

More hallways.

By now, I was out of breath. I took my time looking for the actual exit. Once I found it I let out a sigh of relief and shoved open the door. The cold winter air hit me like a slap to the face. I started to realize the weirdness of the situation I was in. Why would Marcus take me to his apartment? We had just met.

I scanned the street for Leo's blue car. I felt my shoulders relax when I spotted him. As I jogged up to him, I saw through the windshield that he looked angry.


I pulled open the door.

"T-Thanks." I said. Leo nodded. I buckled in and we drove back to our apartment. The whole ride was silent. No talking. No radio.

I felt my phone vibrate.

I pulled it out of my pocket.

💙Boyfriend💙: Hey babe.

Who the fern was this?

💙Boyfriend💙: It's Marcus.



💙Boyfriend💙: You can't ignore me forever Ev.


I could feel the flames of anger rise in me.

What.The.Fern: You don't get the right to call me Ev. That's reserved for Connor.

💙Boyfriend💙: Who's he? R u cheating on me!?!?

What.The.Fern: You're not my boyfriend. Never was, never will be.

💙Boyfriend💙: You see, that's where you're wrong. If you want to keep your job, you'll be my boyfriend. If you want to ever go to college, you'll be my boyfriend. I have connections Evan. I can ruin your life. Choose wisely.

Tears pricked my eyes. A breath caught in my throat as another message popped up.

💙Boyfriend💙: I'll give you until the end of the day. You can choose to be my boyfriend and continue to be happy. Or, you can choose not to be my boyfriend and I can ruin your life. I want an answer before midnight or I'll ruin it anyway.

Tears were threatening to spill as I stared at the last message. This man had taken me into his own home and had been so nice to me. He let me calm down, comforted me when I started crying, and made me lunch!

But now I could see what I couldn't before. He took me to his home. Odd. He must've taken my phone while I was sleeping and put in his number. Super creepy. And then he kissed me. I hadn't said no.

But I hadn't said yes.

I could remember the moment vividly. After all, it only happened minutes ago.

Marcus came closer to me. I could see lust in his eyes as he tilted up my chin. Now eye to eye, he leaned in closer. I froze up. I couldn't find my voice to tell him stop.


Then his lips were on mine. They were warm and smooth. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. My chances of escaping his grasp were slimmer now.

He pushed his tongue into my mouth. It was gross, slimy. He explored my mouth, probing every inch.

Marcus' fingers dug into my sides, pressing harder with each passing second. He started to move his hands lower.

I found my courage and pulled away.

I could still feel his tongue in my mouth. I choked back a gag. I pressed my hands to my eyes as tears started to trickle down my face.

"Evan, are you okay?" Leo asked. The car stopped and I could tell he was looking at me. I dried my eyes and looked at him.

"I-I'm fine." I reassured, throwing in a weak smile to try and convince him. Leo gave me a suspicious glare before turning back to the road and driving again.

I could feel the pressure of tears building behind my eyes. I needed to get home. I needed to be able to let it all out in peace.

So, when we finally pulled up to our apartment, I lept out of the car. I sprinted up to our door. I searched through my pocket for my keys. Tears were leaking out of the corner of my eyes now.

I could hear Leo walking across the lawn, his shoes crunching the frozen grass. I finally found the key and rammed it into the lock. Leo was getting closer now. I struggled to twist the key. It finally turned and I shoved the door open.

I kicked off my shoes. I threw my jacket onto the couch. I started to jog to my room, but stopped when I hear Leo's voice.

"We need to have a serious talk." He told me. I turned around slowly.

"Sit down on the couch. Wait here. I'll be right back." Leo ordered. I nodded shakily. I took a deep breath and shuffled over to the couch. I cautiously say down. I picked up my jacket and layed it on my lap. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally came back.

I quickly realized I might not have wanted him to.

"Evan, what are these?" He asked.
In his hand were my bloody bandages from earlier.

I felt my shoulders tense up.

"W-Well..." I started.

Hello! I'm gonna have to cut you guys off there! You'll have to wait for the next chapter to see what happens! Last night my printer was being and asshole. I had to print an essay that was due today, but we ran out of ink. Before you say that its not the printer's fault, let me tell you this. It always prints everything 3 times even if you only want one copy. And then it's a huge pain in the ass to print something because it'll do it hours later. So, yeah, my printer is a bitch. I have something that I've wanted to tell you guys, or anyone, for a while now. Right after I post this, I'll start working on its own chapter. It has nothing to do with the fic. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. Thanks for reading! Love you guys!


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