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TW: None

Evan's POV

A few weeks pass after the two accidents

The nurses wheeled me up the sidewalk and stopped in front of Mom's car. Leo, Jared and Mom all stood by, waiting to take me back to the apartment. Home. Home? Can I even call it that if Connor isn't there anymore? I asked myself as I got helped into the car.

After everyone else got in, we took off. I flinched as the car started, remembering the accident, but Jared squeezed my hand. I took a deep breath. Staring out the window, I named every single tree that passed by. (Bi)

Leo opened the side door for me and helped me out. The four of us walked across the frozen grass and opened up the apartment door. A wall of stale air hit us as we walked in. Everything was just as we left it, except for a thin layer of dust. I had found out Leo hadn't come back here at all and stayed with Piper when visiting hours were over.

While I was in the hospital, so many people had come to visit me. I hadn't realized I had so many friends! Piper, Leo, Jared, Zoe, Alana, Megan, Julia, (these are friends of the friends now. They're friends irl so if you're reading this, Hi guys!) Josh, Catherine, Alivia, Charlotte, Catherine, Eden and Kelly. (So proud of my boi! He has so many friends!)

I remembered all of their visits.

I woke up to hear sniffling on the other side of the curtain. I got up, walked over and wheeled my IV behind me. It was Zoe. She was kneeling next to Connor's bed, sobbing. Big, shaking, painful sobs. I wheeled behind her and kneeled next to her.

"H-Hi Zoe." I said. She turned and wrapped me in a hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay Evan." Zoe whispered before pulling away. She wiped her eyes and tried to calm down. With one more glance at Connor's still body, she was sobbing again.

I managed to get her to sit in a chair. 

"D-Do you wanna t-talk a-about it?" I asked her as I gave her back a few hesitant pats. She nodded.

"Connor was never the perfect brother. He was far from it. Almost everyday we would fight. He would hit me sometimes. If he hit me, he would avoid me days afterwards. We never had the best relationship. But, I still love him. I'm still the grieving girl even though I promised I would never do that for him. But here we are. I'm crying on a dirty hospital floor over my brother." Zoe admitted. I listened and soaked everything in.

"Z-Zoe, he would t-talk about you w-when we were t-together sometimes." I told her. Her head snapped up. 

"What did he say?" She asked, her voice brimming with hope. I gulped and tried to remember everything.

"H-He said there's nothing l-like your smile. Whenever h-he saw it, it m-made him really happy. He knew w-whenever you get b-bored you'd scribble stars o-on the cuffs of your jeans. He noticed that you still fill out the q-quizzes they put in those teen magazines. C-Connor loved when you put indigo s-streaks in your hair. He always wondered h-how you learned to dance like all the rest of the w-world isn't there." I told her. 

With every new thing I said, she smiled wider. 

"Thank you Evan. I really needed that." She said before hugging me.

I shook off the memory as I was helped down the hall. My Mom helped me change before tucking me into bed.

"Jared and Leo will give you some food when you wake up. Rememeber to drink lots of water. Your pain pills are in the bathroom if you need some. Just take it easy and rest for a few days. Call me if you need anything. I have to go. Love you Evan!" She told me as she kissed my head, then left the room. 

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