No One Else

171 18 36

TW: Violence

Just so you remember, Evan's Dad's name is Jax

Evan's POV

I woke up again to feel my phone buzzing next to me. I held my breath as I picked it up. It was only an alarm. I turned it off and slowly slid off of my bed.

Every few minutes a wave of anxiety rolled over me, leaving me uneasy and nauseous. I stood up and walked over to my dresser. In my head, I could see the box of razors.

No, not now.

I looked down at my left wrist, remembering the marks I left there yesterday.

They were gone.

I shrugged and searched through my drawer of clothes. I finally decided on black jeans and a gray long sleeve shirt. I threw them on and headed out into the hallway.

The apartment was suprisingly quiet. I couldn't hear the TV, or the coffee machine, or a phone dinging. Maybe Leo left for work already? I searched around the kitchen for a note, but couldn't find one. This was odd.

At least I could walk to work.

I reached towards the fridge just to grab something small to eat. Another wave of anxiety rolled over me, and I almost gagged at the thought of eating. I didn't need breakfast anyway. I would be fine.

I slipped on my shoes and jacket. I pushed open the door and walked outside. The cold wind whipped around me, making my eyes burn and tear up. I stared at my beat up sneakers and burrowed deeper into my jacket.

Will Marcus be there? Is he going to say anything? What if you have another attack? What if he ruins your life anyway? What would he even do? Should you pull out the razors after work? Should you pinch your arm again? Should you just down a bottle of pills like Connor?

This time the tears in my eyes weren't because of the cold. I blinked away the tears and shooed the thoughts out of my head. I would be fine. Nothing would go wrong. All of a sudden my phone started buzzing.

My insides turned cold. I stumbled and almost fell face first onto the ground. I started taking deep breaths as I pulled it out.


"Hello?" I said as I started walking again.

"Did you leave for work already?" He questioned.

"Y-Yes. I'm almost t-there." I told him. I could hear a sigh on the other end.

"Evan I was going to drive you! Its too cold out!" Leo whined. I forced myself to chuckle.

"Its f-fine. If i-it m-makes you feel b-better I'll l-let you drive m-me tomorrow." I promised.

"Alright. Stay safe. Call me when you need to get picked up." He ordered.

"I-I will." I said before hanging up. I put my phone back in my pocket. By now the Starbucks wasn't too far away. Not wanting to be late I picked up the pace.

I pushed open the building's door. A few eyes flickered over to me and I felt my palms start to sweat. I wiped them on my pants and walked over to the counter. I sucked in my stomach and squeezed behind the opening. I found a back room and looked around. Sitting on a couch was Marcus.

"You left this at my apartment yesterday, babe." He purred as he rushed over to me. He pulled out a rolled up green apron from his pocket.

"T-Thanks." I muttered before throwing it on. Marcus slipped behind me and tied the knot. He layed his hands on my waist and  held on tightly. I could feel his breath on my ear as he leaned in closer.

"Today you'll do whatever I want out there. Hugs. Kisses. Saying Babe. Do it or you'll be punished." Marcus hissed as he shoved me away. He turned on his heel and walked back into the area behind the counter.

I gave my wrist a quick pinch before following him out.

*Le time skip brought to you by me getting my eyes checked yesterday. I'm finally getting a new pair of glasses*

Marcus reached for my hand and held it tight. He twined his fingers with mine. I resisted the urge to shiver. He greeted customers with such happy smiles and was so polite. But I knew what he really was.

His last few customers walked away. He turned to me. I looked at the ground, afraid of what he might do next. Marcus placed his hand under my chin and gripped it hard. He roughly lifted my chin up so we were eye to eye. He leaned in closer, his own eyes sparkling with lust before his eyelids fluttered shut.

I stepped back. His eyes snapped open. He grabbed my hand. His fingers dug into my skin. I bit back the cry that almost escaped my lips. He dragged me into the back room. I looked around frantically, praying someone else was in there.

We were all alone.

Marcus let go of my hand. He stepped closer and closer to me so he was in my face. I could practically see a fire burning in his eyes. He gripped my shoulders, digging in his fingers and leaving bruises. I yelped.

He raised his hand and slapped me.

3rd POV

Evan's eyes widened and he stumbled, gripping the wall for support. He cupped his stinging cheek gently. Marcus was shaking with anger and breathing heavily.

"Next time, the punishment will be worse." He growled as he marched out of the room.

Evan sunk to the floor. Tears dripped down his face. He couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Evan, honey, come here." Heidi called from the couch. Evan ran over to her and sat at her feet. Her normally tired but happy eyes grew misty. She gently touched her son's head.

"If anyone ever hurts you Evan you need to tell me. If they say bad things to you. If they hit you or touch you in places you don't want them to. Tell me." Heidi ordered. Evan, a little confused, nodded as tears rolled down his mother's face. She gripped her arm, poking the latest bruise Jax had given her.

Evan's POV

I opened my eyes. I was still in the back room. My cheek was still stinging.

And no one else was there.

Hey there my peeps. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days! I've just been procrastinating and busy with schoolwork. I'm in pre-algebra and we're learning proportions right now. I hate it so fucking much. Most of the time I'm super confused. But I do have some good news (For me). I don't have to take a Spanish Test tomorrow and I'm getting new glasses soon! Do any of you have ideas for a science fair project? I'm working with Julia and we want to try and do something with forensics. We don't know what to do yet. And we need to tell the teacher our idea by Monday. So please give me some suggestions! It has to have something to do with life science. Basically anything relating to life. Like, our teacher said we could do a lemon clock if we wanted to. (I have an idea for that so Julia, that's gonna be our Plan B) Thank you so much for reading. Love all of you So much!


P.S: This is actually a pretty amazing song from Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812

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