First Time I said I love you Izuku x Fem.Reader

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Hi guys, so @fawnheads aka Fawna-chan requested this one shot and I hope that you guys enjoy it

Quirk: Electronic, just as it's stated, the user is able to control electricity and control objects with electricity, the drawbacks are that the user can't use their quirk for more than 3 hours and has a limit for how electricity you can hold. If you use the same move like Denki when he does a super charge, you go brain dead for a little bit.
Extra Info: You and Denki are twins, you being the more smarter and powerful twin. And you are dating Bakugo at the time.

Anyway lets get on with the story

(Y/N)'s POV

As I'm walking out of class 1A since the day is over, my twin, Denki, is acting as an idiot as usual, he's talking to one of classmates, Izuku Midoriya, he usually called Deku by Baka-kun which has a complete temper tantrum whenever I see him, speak of the devil, their he is.

" Deku! Get your a** back here so I can kill you!!!"

" Kachan! What did I do?! (Y/N)!!! Help me!"

*Sigh* I guess a hero's job is never done.

Third Person aka Author-chan's POV

(Y/N) is walking towards Baka-kun and taps his shoulder.


" Listen up and listen good, Izuku is not your bi*** and you have no right treating him like this."

" So? You can't tell me what to do, even if you're my girlfriend."

That's it, you had it! Author-chan should go hide now.

" Then I guess you'll need someone else to fill that role, we're done."

Baka-kun look confused and very angry, he let go of Izuku. " What do you mean by we're done, you're mine!, got it!" At this point Bakugo had you pinned down to the ground and you look over his shoulder to see Izuku and Denki out of the classroom already.You smirk seeing that which only makes him even more angry.

" You think this is funny. We see who laughing after I burn your face off."

Someone grabs Baka-kun's wrist and pulls him away from you.

" Young Bakugo, enough! You broke 3 rules already, Principal's office, now!"

Then (Y/N) sees her ex being dragged off by none other than All Might himself.

" (N/N), we're not done, when I cone back, you and I are gonna have a real.goOd.cHaT." Bakugo looks like a madman when he says this.


You see Izuku running in your direction. Izuku stops in front of you with a blush covering his face.

" (Y-y/N), I-i-i was won-wond-wondering i-if we-you, wouldgooutwithme."

You were confused, you look at Izuku as if he was speaking a different language.

" Izuku, take a deep breath and try again."

Izuku listened to what you said and he took a deep breath.

" Ok, (Y/N). I was wondering, since you broke up with Kachan, do you want to go out with me?"

You felt so conflicted, you think that Izuku is just too nice but he also was considerate of peoples feelings and he did ask you out without threatening you unlike Baka-kun.

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