My Angel (Hitoshi Shinso x Reader)

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Hey guys so this is a request fricken finally that people request something. So this is for you JENDENI this is for you and lets get on with it.


(Y/N)'s POV

I'm still wondering how a person like me is able to be with a person like Shinso. He such an amazing guy and I'm the lucky one. He saved me from myself. He saved my life.

Flashback 1

I was up to the rooftop of the school with scars and bruises as usual. Most people call me a freak because of my quirk. I have a quirk called Blood Manipulation, I able to control any blood from any living being with this quirk but in this the cost is that people see me as a monster, a freak.

When I told my classmates that I wanted to be a hero they just laughed in my face, I remember it perfectly clear. They said, " A villain like you can't be a hero." . I haven't done anything wrong and if anything, their the villains. They bully and pick on me, not to mention they beat me to a pulp.

They get scared when I fight back and when a teacher finds out they say that I lashed out and attacked them and fought me back in ' self defense '. But all that doesn't matter now, because they won't notice nor miss me when I'm gone, they even told me and I will comply to their wishes and just die already.

I wrote my note and I stated all the things those bullies did to me. They've beaten me, they've tormented me, what else that they haven't done yet. I left a note for my friend who goes to a different school, he gets bullied to but it's because he doesn't have a quirk. I guess I have a one way ticket to hell, bye Izuku, I hope you're able to deal with your bully but I couldn't handle the entire school and my family doing this to me, at least you have a mom who doesn't call you a monster or who thrown you out on the street.

I almost there just a little further and I'll be done with all the pain, all the torment. I'm gonna do it, I'm going to jump. Huh?! Who pulled me back?

" Don't do it." They said.

I turn around and see a kid in who is in class 3A since I'm in 3E, I don't see him around but I've heard of him.

" Why... why wait to die later when I could just die now." He wrapped his arms around me.

" I've been in your place before. Don't worry, everything will be ok."

I started breaking down into tears, feeling my legs give out he catches me and helps me sit down.

" How about I walk you home, ok?"

I shake my head no.

" Why not?"

" Be-because- I don't have - a home." I say while in between sobs.

" What happened?"

Even though I just meet him, I thought that getting everything off my chest would be better and then I could go in peace, so I tell what happened to me. I told him that this had been going on since kindergarten.

" Do you have any place to go? Any friends?"

I shake my head no. I don't want to bother Izuku with this. He's a good person and shouldn't have to deal with this.

" Shinso? Are you an angel?"

" Do you think I am? Because most people see me as a monster."

" But you're not scary? If anything your far from it."

" I know you think that but it's because of my quirk, the reason people are scared of me."

He's just like me but hasn't tried ending himself and he has a family that cares for him.

" Come on, let me take you to my place to at least stay for the night."

" Thank you Shinso."

Flashback 2

The next day I'm walking out of my classroom and two of the people who bully me and drove me to kill myself are standing right in front of me.

" Hey Bi*ch, ready for round two."

" Sora please leave me alone."

" So the bi*ch grew balls huh?"

They start backing me up to a wall and take out a pocket knife and hands it to me.

"Heard you got interrupted yesterday by a 3A *sshat. What are waiting for? Go a head and finish the job. We've been waiting to get rid of the villain for sometime now."

I was about to cut my wrists but then I got interrupted by someone.

" What is going on here? (Y/N)? What do you think you're doing?!"

He walks over and pushes Sora out of the way and takes the knife out of my hands.

Then to make matters worse a teacher appears.

" Causing trouble again Ms.Swan? Seems to me that you'll need to talk to the principal... again."

" Sir, (Y/N) has done nothing wrong at all. All those encounters you saw her, she was defending herself because she these two jerks and her classmates have been bulling her."

Oh no, he's making it worse!

" Oh? And what proof do you have of these accusations."

" I've seen her get bullied with my own eyes when I see her in the cafeteria today and I walked by her classroom, her classmates were beating to a pulp."

" Even if that was true, she's just a monster who happens to be weak and can be taken out."

" That's it! I'm talking to the principal and he isn't going do anything about maybe the police would."

" Good luck with that."

The teacher, Sora and his minion walk off. Shinso now only made it worse.

" Come lets go, I'm not letting them get away with this."

Flashbacks end

After that Shinso told the principal what was really going on and turns out that this happened before. The principal was able to expel the students who did the most damage and for the others they've been in detention for a long time and this ruined their chances to go to U.A. I when I was leaving school and saw Izuku running towards me. I forgot that I gave him a letter. He was crying so much and thought that I died. But I told him that I was saved by an angel.


Word count ( unedited ): 1130 words


Hey guys I hop that you enjoyed this one shot. The reason why I am posting a lot of stuff right now is because I haven't updated in a while and I left bad. See you in the next chapter.

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