"I'll never be her~"(CHEATER Iida x Reader)

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Hey guys, I hope it hasn't been to long since I've updated on my book and just a reminder to anyone who reads my book, I updated at random and whenever I feel like it.

And to understand the title, Listen to the song that I put up on the top.

But Santangelo13 I hope that you and everyone else enjoys this one shot.

Now lets get on with the chapter.


(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking over to Tenya's house today since we're going out on a date!

I was really exited and I couldn't wait to see him since he just got back from visiting his brother from the hospital.

I walked up to the door and took out the spare key that Tenya had given me. I unlocked the door and step inside to see someone else's shoes that door.

I thought that Tenya stopped tutoring people since it stressed him out to much.

I walked upstairs and went to open the door to only see Tenya and Momo-chan kissing each other in a full blown make out session.

I gasped and the two of turned towards me.

"(Y/N)! Please it isn't what it looks like?!"

Momo stood up, " Listen I don't mean to be rude but why is (Y/N) here? You said you were breaking things off with her?"

He was, leaving me? Is that why I haven't heard from him in so long?

I wiped the tears coming down from my face and threw the spare key Tenya gave me and ran out of the house.

As soon as I got home I ran up to my room, told the class group chat what happened and I block Iida and Yaoyorozu's numbers and cried myself to sleep.

I was done with relationships, didn't want in the first place, I thought you were different Iida?

I stayed in bed and cried myself to sleep that night and for the rest of the week as well.

(A week later)

Once everyone found out what happened, the 1st years were never the same.

During the week that you and Iida were apart, he was just depressed and looked a whole like Aizawa Sensei when he hasn't had any sleep and looks very pale.

I walked into class and only saw Iida sitting by himself.

He stood up and tried to say something, anything. Key word tried.

Once he was about to say something, Yaoyorozu walked into the class and ran to Iida and kissed him on the lips in-front of me.

I couldn't take anymore and collapsed to the floor started to cry, Momo dragged Iida out of the classroom and left me one the floor all alone.

Why? Why Iida?! Why?! Was I not good enough, was I not smart enough?! What did Momo-chan have that I didn't?

I heard the door open and saw my classmates rushing towards me.

Izu-kun ran by my side and hugged crouched form "(Y/N)-chan! What happened?!"

I sniffled and tried to calm down from my crying.

"Momo just wal-walked in here when Iida was trying to tell me some-something and kissed him on the lips."

Uraraka-san looked at my and could only try to find words of encouragement.
"(Y/N)-chan it'll be ok, I promise. You just got to forget that jerk, okay."

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