Private Medic (Tomura Shigaraki x Reader)

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Hey guys, so this one shot has been requested by Cherriberri- and I hope you all enjoy this one shot and sorry that it took so long to publish. Let's get started!

(Y/N)'s POV

I just started working for the League of Villains. It actually isn't that bad. I get paid a reasonable amount of money and I don't have to be a fugitive to work for them. Their all nice to me but Shigaraki had been acting weirdly possessive with me lately. All of the others at head quarters don't think much of it. They probably know something that I don't know yet.
But I need to give Shigaraki his pills.

(Time skip)

Author-chan's POV

As (Y/N) walks over to Shigaraki's room she starts to feel her heart beat pick up. (Y/N) looks at her hands seeing as their shaking and sweaty, she wipes her hands on pants and takes a deep breath.

When she gets to his door she knocks on the door, she waits awhile and she hears a low ' come in '. She opens the door and starts to walk in when she suddenly realized that this was her first time seeing his room. In fact any guys room. She took any deep breath to calm herself down and puts the bottle of pills on his desk, a water bottle and a reminder to take 2 pills every 6 to 8 hours.

When she was about to leave, she felt a tug on her sleeve. She turned around and saw that his eyes were red and he had bags under his eyes.

" Hey, do you want me to stay for a while?" All Shigaraki did was nod his head. He went to close the door and dragged you to his bed.

"(Y/N)-chan? Why does everyone pay attention to All Might? Why does he have to be the symbol of peace?" He asked.

" I don't know why, maybe god choose him to be a hero. We all have a gift that god gave us and hero's use their gift to help others. I know that my gift is to heal others. Maybe his gift is to be the symbol of peace, to protect everyone but can't protect himself."

The two of talked more and talked about other things like hobbies, likes and dislikes. You soon found yourself stroking his hair and him lying down on your lap. You then see Dabi just walk in without being invited in. You could visible see that Shigaraki was pissed.

" Who gave you permission to just waltz in here and not even knock. Leave this room at once, I'm busy."
Shigaraki glared at Dabi while he was talking. More like threatening by the tone of his voice.

Dabi scoffed, "You're not her only patient. She's not your private medic you can have at beck and call. And besides Toga got hurt and (Y/N) needs to go check her out."

Dabi walked over to the bed and went to grab your wrist but then Shigaraki grabbed his arm. Yes with all five fingers which activated his quirk and he wouldn't let go. You had to rip Shigaraki and Dabi apart. You got up but then felt arms wrap around your waist trying to pull you back down on the bed. Shigaraki was pouting and he made sure to not put any of his fingers on you so that way he couldn't hurt you.

" (N/N) Please don't leave. I'm sorry, I just don't like you hanging around with that rat."

" I'm right here you and now (Y/N) needs to also tend to my wounds because of your doing. Come on (Y/N), lets go." Dabi went to grab your arm again and this time he was able to take you away this time.

"(Y/N) please come back, please." Shigaraki looked like you about to be killed by Dabi when he took you away.

" I'll come back once I'm done healing their wounds ok." You walked out of the room and soon you found Toga and you healed both of their wounds.

(The Next Day)

You woke up and did your normal daily routine and when you went to go eat breakfast, you were startled by the argument the has accrued.

" No way in hell is (Y/N) being your private medic you creep."

Shigaraki started laughing, " Actually, she is, I'm her employer so she had to listen to her boss."

Shigaraki sees you by the door and motions you to come foward. You start walking towards him, Shigaraki holds his arms out and once your close enough, he wraps them around waist holding you.

" Now you can only pay attention to me."

Word count (unedited): 865 words.


Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long, I'm sorry that I haven't posted this request sooner and I hope that this one shot was good. I am so sorry that this one shot is so short. Cherriberri- if this did not live up to the standards you wanted, I'll try to do a re-make of this one shot. See you guys in the next chapter.

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