It's good to have an extra pair (Iida x Shy/Nerdy Reader)

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Hey guys, it's been long time since I last posted. I'll try to update a bit more when I can, I just need the proper inspiration to create these one shots for all you readers to read and so that way you have something to do since, if you're like me, have a very short attention span.

EmoTrinity740 I waited awhile for you to respond and since you didn't I decided to take the matter into my own hands but I'm glad to do anyones request, as long as it follows the rules.

And another thing, you'll be in the support department for this one shot.

I hope you all enjoy this one shot. Anyway, lets get on with it then.
Iida's POV

(Y/N). . .

I swear, that girl is going to be the death of me.

Now normally I wouldn't say such things, especially for a beautiful person such her but she's driving me crazy.

I don't know if it's anger or frustration. Why is it whenever I see her, I get all red, my hands become clammy and I feel like my heart hurts so much.

Maybe I should just ask Uraraka?
She or Midoriya may know what this feeling is because I know it's not hate.

"Hey, Midoriya and Uraraka!"
I sped walked towards them.

Uraraka waved towards me "Hey Iida-kun! What's up!"

I took a deep breath.
"There is something I need to ask the two of you."

Midoriya being the great friend he was he nodded his head so I could ask them the question.

"Since you're both dating and I was wondering what kind if things does one feel if they liked someone or fell in love."

Uraraka gasp and started fan girling. "OMG! Iida, who is it?!" She looked around grabbed onto my shoulders whispering into my ear, " is it (y/n)-chan?"

Darn it! She figured it out, guess you can't hide things away from your friends. Well, I don't know if they would consider me a friend, I'm more or less a third wheel.

"Maybe..... why do you think she likes me back as well?!"

I sigh out of the stress and worry I start to feel.

"If it isn't love that I feel for her, then why does my heart pounds faster when I see her. I get even more nervous than usual... She's just such an amazing person, she deserves better than the animals that roam untamed in the streets."

Uraraka looks as if water is just on the brink of pouring out of her eyes.

Midoriya is staring in awe and points behind me.

I turn around and see (Y/N) standing there with tears in her eyes.

She ran off and I motioned and asked for her stay but I noticed that she dropped a case.

I went over to pick it up and it was open. I saw a pair of glasses and a contact lens case. I was pretty shocked, I've never seen her in glasses and I never noticed that she wore contacts.

I sighed knowing she going to try and avoid me.

"Come on! Don't give up now, go get your Cinderella!" Uraraka now filled to the brim of courage and forth coming of confidence.

"Yea, you shouldn't give up on her so easily. Go after her and be her Prince Charming!" Says Midoriya with encouraging words.

I get up and start looking for her around the school until I heard crying and some cruel, villainous laughter.

"You're pretty stupid to think that such a man as Iida-kun would like such a nerd like you (Y/N)- chan. Now get up and stop crying and go do my homework, now!"

I've never seen (Y/N) so scared of someone before. I didn't even know the person that I lo- wait is that what I'm feeling? Love?

I thought to myself I was pretty much only a straight forward and strict kind of male. Who knew love could break those barriers. I knew love would find me but I didn't think it would be so soon.

Uraraka and Midoriya are right, I can't give up, not that easily.

Author-chan's POV

Iida stepped out of shadows and spoke with courage. " Mei Hastume! I ask of you to please stop bullying (Y- !"

Mei threw herself onto to Iida, with tears in her eyes which were clearly fake. But Iida had a plan.

"Iida-kun! Thank heavens that you saved me! This, this monster hurt me and my babies! She then tried to punch and I fought back in self defense! Help me report her to the principal so this fiend can get expelled."

You looked as if your whole world cane crashing down on you but then you saw wink at you.

You hade some hope returned as the three of you walked to the principals office.

As the three of you sat down, Iida took the lead in the conversation.

"Principal Nezu, I apologize for taking up your time."

"Well it must be important if you can to talk with me instead of your teacher, Aizawa. What seems to be the problem?"

Iida took a deep breath. "Sir I know it's none of my business to interfere if matters of Support Department but saw Mei Hastume bullying one of her classmates (Y/N) (L/N). She physically and verbally attacked her and I have evidence to prove of this."

Mei looked shocked, she thought Iida was on her side. She began to bubble up and anger and rage took over rationality and reason. She slapped you in the face and stormed out of the principals office never to be seen again.

The principal was just as shock as the two of you. He called Mei's parents and maybe recommend some solidarity. You won't be seeing her for some time.

You and Iida walked out the office. He grabbed your hand and led you both to the rooftop of the school, it was nearing the end of lunch so he had to be quick.

"(L/N).... whenever I see you I become so overwhelmed with joy, you leave speechless whenever I see you happy, when I see you hurt angry and rage overcome in seconds. I've never felt this way about anyone before. What I'm trying to say is that I love you, so much."

You were trying to hold your tears. You never would've guessed your crush liked you back after all the things Mei said.

You didn't want to believe that Iida could date such a witch and you were right.

He liked you.

You leaned and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Iida."

"Call me Tenya."

"Then you have to call me (Y/N)."

"I think I could manage that and be careful where you leave these." He pulled out a small bag that held you glasses and contact lens case.

"I guess it good to have and extra pair."

The two of you leaned in gave each other a tender first kiss.

And one of many to come.


Off to the side behind the air vent. Something or someone was hiding in the shadows.

Soft squealing was heard and shushing  afterwards.

Uraraka and Midoriya, filled to the brim of happiness.

"Finally our OTP has come true!"

"Shhh, they might hear you!"

The two spent te rest of lunch fan girling over the fact the two of you are now a thing.

Word count: (unedited) 1281 words
Hey guys, so I hope you enjoyed this one shot and remember to request on the request page.

EmoTrinity740 I hope you enjoyed this one shot.

See you in the next chapter.

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