Holding Out For a Hero All Might x Female Reader

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. heyaaaa0619 I hope that you and everyone else enjoy this one-shot since there was no other information given to me, I made this mainly a songfic. I just realized this but this is my first time writing an All Might x Reader at all. This is also when All Might has already fought All for one and everyone knows but his non-muscle form.

Anyway let's get on with chapter.

All Might's POV

Me, Present Mic, Midnight and Aizawa get off of work and Yamada suggested that we go to a bar that he knows.

So we get out of our work clothes and head over to this bar called "Rouge" and walked in to see people setting up some sound systems and people setting microphones and a band set.

"Hey Yamada, do you have the money?" We turn around to see a little child behind the counter and Yamada went pale.

"Well umm... I have half of it with me now, I can give you the money now."

The small child sighed and hopped over the counter and stood up on the chair and grabbed him by the collar.

"Do I look like a joke to you?" Yamada shook his head feverishly and looked like he sh*t his pants.

The kid lets go of him and snaps his fingers and two huge muscular guys walked in and each grabs an arm and drags Yamada off somewhere.

The kid then looks at us and then smiles. "So is this your first time at Rouge?" All of nodded, since we were scared to say anything back to this kid, a kid for crying out loud... well I think he's a kid...

"I'm sorry you all had to see that, that yellow-haired bastard didn't cover his tab for the tenth time and I wasn't about to let him get away with it. So since he's paying his debt is there anything that I can get for you?"

We order a couple of cocktails, and the bartender, Miguel, put on a little show for us while preparing us drinks.

" So, you guys came for karaoke night?" I looked at the man confused, I then turn around to a see a banner that says 'karaoke night'. I thought that they had a band, guess not.

While the three of us awkwardly have some shots, we see Yamada walk back pale as a ghost. I get up to pat his shoulder and I see him flinch. Mentally not, don't get that tiny kid angry and don't stack up debt here.

After that whole situation, we see more people coming in and I see these millennials chattering about with no care in the world until I see someone walk onto the stage and I hear the music start up. I see them grab a microphone.     

" Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night, I toss and I turn And I dream of what I need." 

I then hear the beat drop and I see a girl with lively (E/C) eyes with a great voice. 

" I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from the fight! I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light. He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life!" 

We then interlock gazes but for a split second, I think that she winked at me?

"Larger than life" 

The music then plays out and I see that people are cheering in the crowds but this girl looks very familiar but I can't remember where?

I look to see Aizawa wide-eyed and Midnight has her mouth agape while Yamada is screaming like a mad man. (A/N: Like that one guy from ATLA who foams at the mouth and passes out) 

"Somewhere after midnight. In my wildest fantasy. Somewhere just beyond my reach. There's someone reaching back for me. Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat, It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet" 

I look at Yamada who got back into his senses and he smiling like crazy, " I can't believe Eraser! Out of all the bars to be, (Stage/name) is HERE!!!"

I look back at her and now I know where I know her from. She also showed up to one of my fan meetups because she said that she was a huge fan.

"Up where the mountains meet the heavens above. Out where the lightning splits the sea, I could swear there is someone, somewhere watching me. Through the wind, and the chill, and the rain and the storm, and the flood I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood!"

I look at her and see how confident this woman is and she's just amazing.

" I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light. He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life. I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight. I need a hero!  I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light! He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life. I need a hero!"

The music fades out and everyone bursts out cheering and applause erupts from everyone.

She walks off stage, hands me slip of paper and walks off.

I look at it and it shows her number I assume and it says let's hang out some time.


Word count (unedited): 1,113 words


Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted anything in so long. A lot of things were going on during the time. But I'm back for now and again I'm so sorry for being M.I.A. for so long.

Oh and explanation on the bartender Miguel. One of my friends wanted to be mentioned in some of my work so I just put him as a bartender but comment if you guys think that he should be a common character that I put in here. 

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because I enjoyed writing it and I might be coming out with another one shot either this week or next week but until then I'll see you in the next chapter!  

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