Forever A Ghost Shoji x Reader

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Hey guys so I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long, I hope you guys can forgive me but I hope that life is treating you well. So I'm doing two requests(since they were similar) in one chapter, this is for bookgenie12 and karmajj

I hope everyone enjoys this one shot and



This is a slightly depressing one shot in the beginning since one of the requests was they wanted an angst one shot.

So please skip the first part if you are uncomfortable with angst.


I also forgot to mention that you and Bakugou are siblings in this one shot.

Anyway, let's get on with the one shot.


Author-chan's POV

It started out as any ordinary day for a child would go.

They got up to get ready for school, they play with their friends and then their brother accidentally kills them with their quirk.

That was the last day that (Y/N)'s life was ever normal.

It happened after school when she saw her brother Kastuki and his friends picking on Izuku and some other kid in the park.

They were about to attack Izuku but (Y/N) being her brave and reckless self, she put herself in the line of fire and once her brother realized it was (Y/N) ... it was too late.

He started crying and held his sister's body close to him and she kept on saying that she's just fine until she saw her body being put in an ambulance and rushing her off to the hospital.

Kastuki kept on crying the entire time while your body just laid their, not showing any sign of life.

While on the other hand Izuku was staring in shock that you were still playing in the park even though your body was put in the ambulance.

"(Y/N)-chan, w-why are you s-till here?"

You got confused by his fear when you reached to comfort him only to have your hand go through him and now the both of you were crying as to what had happened to you.

You then see a woman running into the park and you recognized her as Izuku's mom. The two of you ran straight to her in hopes of wondering what had happened.

Inko then realized that the girl next to him was (Y/N) and she called Mitsuki and told that (Y/N) was still in the park and that something was really wrong.

Mitsuki came back to the park and saw that (Y/N) was a actually there but when she went to grab her hand, her hand just went through. The next day, Mitsuki took (Y/N) to the doctor's office and the doctor's were able to determine what had happened to (Y/N). The doctor's came up with a conclusion as to had happened to you.

So basically, you died.

Yep, your brother hitting in the face with his quirk then hitting other parts of you multiple times was able to kill you. But your soul was able to be saved and now your a ghost. You can touch objects at will, you can go through objects at will. Your able to  also "possess" people as well and take control over their body. This was made possible due to the fact that 'quirks' are an actual thing and that supernatural things happen everyday.

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