When can I see you again Big brother Dabi x Fem. Reader x Big brother Shouto

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Hey guys so as you can see from the previous chapter, I am, well still very angry that my work wasn't saved but I wrote everything that I remembered. I hope you guys like it. Especially RukiaChappySama


(Y/N)'s POV

I wake up and I see that I'm in a open plain field. The sky was clear that there was no cloud in sight. The sun shone so brightly up in the sky.

Not a painful shine, a soft and bearable warmth to warm the field of grass. There was hills around and some flat lands to accompany the plain.

Out of nowhere I see a boy nearby one of few trees that exist in infinite plain. I start to run towards the boy who seems to not notice nor seems to care in the slightest wherever or not I exist.

When I got close to the boy, he had the most sweetest smile. He had white icy hair to his right while his left was a fiery blaze of red, on his left side his hair covered half of his face.

It looked like, he was trying to hide something.

He noticed how I was staring at him. I blinked a couple of times and snapped out of it.

"Hey you, what's your name?"

Well he seems pretty rude.

"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)."

"I'm Shouto, nice to meet-"

The ground started to shake, the sky turned gray, the wind picked up its pace. Soon it was hard to see him, Shouto.

Out of nowhere a tornado appeared.

I was soon swept up by the tornado.

Shouto held onto one of my hands and with the other he held onto one of the tree branches to keep me from flying off.

[Outside of dream]
Dabi's POV

I wonder when that brat will get out of bed. I guess I'm gonna have wake her up.

I walk to her room and I knocked on the door. When I didn't get response, I kicked the door down and marched up to her bed and I started to shake her shoulder.

"(Y/N)-chan, time to get up."

I didn't want to have to do this. But you leave me no choice.

[Back in dream]
Author-sama's POV

(Y/N) was completely terrified of the situation at hand. She was more worried about the boy who was trying to save her, he looked so familiar but she didn't know where.

"MY HAND, ITS SLIPPING!!" The two of you started to lose each other's grip.

"HEY, (Y/N)!"


"Don't forget about me."

Even though he said it barely above a whisper, she knew exactly what he said.

[Out of dream]

You, the reader, woke up freezing and wet???

You look over to see your big brother, Dabi, with an empty bucket.

"Oni-chan!!! Why would you do that!!!"

Even though you're 5, you knew that throwing water on someone, especially freezing water, isn't ok.

"Well you wouldn't wake up. Come on, you got to go eat breakfast."

When you get out of bed, you try to attack Dabi with pillow then it turns into a full on pillow fight.

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