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A 5'4" woman with dark brown hair that gloriously falls until her collarbone, Kate Gellis, left her home 9 years ago to pursue her love for food in Europe. From Spain to France, Italy to Belgium and many more, she kept on migrating here and there. And now she finally is stepping her feet on London, England.

"Kate!" Jörn Radell shouted her name as she heard the familiar voice. "You're here! You're finally here!" He ran towards the girl with open arms.

Both Jörn and Kate attended the same culinary school back in Paris. He went home after graduation while Kate continued her studies throughout the countries. She frequently caught herself thinking on why did she keep on moving when she has no knowledge of any language besides English. And body language it that counts. Yet, as time goes by, she realized that she has a good adapting-self where she can adapt to the new environment and language easily.

Making a decision to move to London was indeed very easy for her. You see, there's a reason on why Kate never found a place to live in permanently. She wants to keep on exploring the world.

"Jörn!" She shouted back. "It's so good to see you again." Walking side by side, she holds his arm.

The two walked to his car just in front of the airport's arrival gate. Loading the suitcases and off they go. "It's been like what? 5 years?" He asked with eyes on the road. "Uhuh, you left Paris right after our graduation."

"Right. And how's everything afterwards?"

Kate gave a faint smile, recalling with the harsh classes and works she had. "It was... fine. You know how chefs are." Jörn chuckled, "like Chef Francisca? Do you remember when she literally left the class in frustration?"

Catching up with what they went through in the past 5 years is what they need. Just a moment to laugh on each other's experiences before they continue their work the next day.

"I'll pick you up around 8 o'clock." He said after dropping Kate off in her new house. "Okay. I'll see you then."

She knocked on the door of the house, waiting for someone to open it and in just a few seconds, the door swung widely. "Hello! You must be Kate. Please come in." A woman in her late 50s welcomed her joyfully, leading the way to the living room. "Hi! Nice too meet you Mrs. Addington. Thank you for welcoming me." She gave a hand shake after putting her bags on the floor. "Oh call me Joanne please."

Her landlord walks her through the house. Telling her where things are, how to use the kitchen, the laundry and everything else. "My eldest comes here every Sunday for family dinner while my youngest every weekend and holidays." Joanne lead the way to her room. "And this is your room. I hope you feel comfortable living here. Please don't feel awkward or anything." She put her hand on Kate's shoulder. "Of course. Thank you so much Joanne."

"Dinner is at five o'clock. I'll let you unpack and rest now. I'll be in my room if you need anything." With that, she left her alone in her room. A queen sized bed with nightstand on each side of it. Closet room on the right and bathroom on the left. Everything is harmonized to the color of light grey.

Since her things are not many, Kate finish organizing in only thirty minutes. Taking her time to rest before dinner and the gathering later tonight.


"Kate Gellis?" Joanne's husband, Greg, asked while passing the food to her. "Yes." She replied as she transferred the foods to her plate. "I heard you're a chef?" 

It's quite a relief that Kate is a bubbly person, making her easy to socialize. "Yes that's right. I'm going to work at The Moonlight Flow. But it's only a temporary job since I'm helping out a friend."

Their dinner is filled with small talks and laughs. Kate thanked the universe for giving her such a kind-hearted landlords that she can talk freely to. She then excused herself to get ready before Jörn picks her up.


Kate and Jörn entered the pub carefully because its very crowded with people hanging out. They kept on searching for a table knowing they won't get one inside. So they head to the front porch and spot one immediately.

Jörn called his friends to let them know where he sits while Kate is enjoying her first evening in London.

She never knew that London is this crowded on a Thursday night. Knowing that people is going to work early in the morning the next day, she thought that at least the pub won't be this full.

As time goes by, his friends came one by one. Introducing themselves to Kate and what role they work in the kitchen since they will all soon to be co-workers.

In her first meeting with all of them, she realized that she's one of the oldest person in the group. The other chefs are between the age of 22 to 25 besides herself and Jörn.

When everyone is busy drinking their drinks, she says, "I understand that I'm older than most of you but you don't have to be so polite. I feel weird. Don't you Jörn?" Kate asked. "I actually don't, Kate. They curse on me. A lot." His statement caused everyone to laugh.

After finishing her huge glass of beer, she came inside to ask for a refill to the bartender, only to find them busy dealing with other customers. While waiting for someone to approach her, she let her body move to the song that's being played.

"Excuse me." Kate felt a poke on her back which makes her turn around to see a black-haired man, 5'8" tall and very handsome. It's been a while since she last met someone as handsome as the man who's been staring at her weirdly. The voice from her little heart thank the universe once again to allow her to meet such a fine man. "Yes?" She replied with a poker face, hiding her grin.

"Can you move over?" He coldly asked, walking to her side after Kate gave some space. He then called the bartender's name to ask for a bottle of wine.

Strange, she thought to herself. Not only seeing a very handsome Asian man for the first time in forever, but also seeing a man who ordered wine in a pub.

After getting what he asked for, he gets ready to leave. "Oh!" The man said, causing both Kate and the bartender to look at him in surprise.

"And a glass of beer for the young lady please, Brenda."

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