33. Kate and Hyo Rin

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One notification light up her phone for a few seconds, "Shanghai."

The only thing Kate need is to know he has safely arrived somewhere and Seung Hyun is doing a great job on telling her he's alive. Every time he lands on a city, he immediately texted her.

"Okay. Always be safe." She replied before washing her face and start her day.

Ever since Seung Hyun left for GD&TOP promotions, Kate busies herself in her workroom and sometimes went out with her employees. She work on new recipes, went out to refill her inventory herself, and even get to spend her evenings on places she rarely goes.

One evening she visit bakeries and restaurants to find inspiration. Another, pampering herself with spa or shopping. The other, going to the local market to pick fresh ingredients.

Her apartment becomes a place only to wash and sleep. She doesn't want to be caught up with missing her boyfriend too much so she rather spend her afterwork for herself. Well of course, she'll come to his place once in a while to take care a few things which leads to sleeping there.

In the middle of tying her apron, her phone buzzes on the stainless steel table which creates a disturbing noise. She quickly took her phone and say, "annyeonghaseyo?"

"Oh Kate! What are you doing tonight?" A familiar voice echoes through her ears as she digs her brain to remember whose voice is it. "Hyo Rin unnie?"

"Ah that's right. I changed my number." She replied before Kate said her ohs. "Anyway, do you have any plans tonight?" They met at Seung Hyun's birthday lunch for the first time yet she is closer with Hyo Rin than her other girlfriends.

Hyo Rin taught her a lot of things about South Korea. Its culture, entertainment, the demands of society. She learn a lot of things about the dos and donts in relationships. Whenever she's confused or feel taken aback by whatever, she'll run to Hyo Rin and ask for counsel.

Kate has never thought about wanting to have a sister or at least a girlfriend in which she can rely to. But getting to know Min Hyo Rin and how she cares so much for her, Kate found herself talking to her whenever she's troubled with her own thoughts.

There are times where she'll spend the night talking to Seung Hyun in his arms yet not every question or thoughts can be uttered that easily to him. Kate used to be the woman who relies on herself, so independent and stubborn. Now, she choose to turn to Seung Hyun or Hyo Rin for advices. She became the woman who needs her person. In this case, two.

"I'll see you there, unnie." She reply after the two decided on where and when to meet.


"I made your Pesto recipe, we're so obsessed with it. It's really really good." Hyo Rin said in her high pitch, more adorable than usual. "When we're at the Italian restaurant, I don't order Pesto anymore." She sips her Udon broth one last time.

Kate chuckle at her cuteness. Every time she's with Hyo Rin, she can see the resemblance between her and Seung Hyun—both older than her, but can be so adorable like a child. "Who knew what different kind of nuts can make to the recipe. Can you send me more simple recipes?"

"At this rate, you'll be the one who cooks, not your husband." Kate pour in some water to their glasses, full from dinner. "Ah, speaking of that. How are you holding up with the public?"

"My café becomes crowded is one thing, V.I.Ps are so supportive." She tells her a couple stories of what V.I.Ps did to support their relationship. "The other thing is that some people can't accept Seung Hyun having a girlfriend. But who am I to blame though? His first public relationship is with a non-celebrity foreigner." She quotes what the articles said.

Hyo Rin tsks, "remember what I told you before. Never listen to hates. It'll only bring you down." She knows she can't give Kate any advice on this. From the start of her relationship with Young Bae, the public approves and supports them so much, she can't even read any hates. When they haven't thought about marriage, everyone wished them to tie the knot.

"You know what? Let's have fun tonight." Hyo Rin heads to the cashier to pay but Kate insist to treat her this time. "You can treat me at the second round." She teased.

They exits the restaurant, Hyo Rin leading the way on where to go while chatting loudly in order for them to hear each other. "Andwe Unnie!" She stops for a minute, making Hyo Rin stop as well.

"I don't do karaoke. Let's just go for tea."

Hyo Rin whines, hoping to change her mind with her childlike self. "Oh come on! Karaoke is the thing in South Korea. You're missing out if you don't do it." They stand at the crowded road in Gangnam where young adults are enjoying their Friday night. "Just one song. Please please please please?" Her negotiation soon came to pass which makes Hyo Rin excitedly link her arm on Kate's, dragging her to the nearest karaoke room.


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