3. The Girl With An Empty Glass of Beer

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"Good morning." The Addingtons greeted her when she walks into the dining room for breakfast. "Good morning guys." She replied while pulling a chair to sit on.

Joanne put plates full of pancakes, fruits and bacons before they start to dig in. As usual, their Sunday breakfast is filled with talks and laughters.

"I'm taking Kate to see the new art gallery." Daniel informed his parents while everyone is busy with their meals. "There's a new art gallery?" Greg asked as he spooned some jams to his bread.

After cleaning up the dining room and kitchen, everyone gathered in the living room for another round of chats. Kate adores how there is nothing that can stop everyone from talking. But sadly, she needs to go to work.


When Daniel and Kate arrived at the gallery, a couple of security stand by on the entrance door. They're asking for an invitation to enter which makes her confused. "You need an invitation to go in?" She whispers.

"Of course. It's still the grand opening." He replied cluelessly. "How do you even get one?" The two goes into the cold room after the security check.

"Darling, I own the most popular social media on earth. Of course I got an invitation." He said in a sarcasm tone but Kate knew that he meant every single word.

Kate and Daniel walk through the gallery slowly. Looking at each masterpiece, searching for a meaning behind every one of it and of course, admiring it. "This is the first time I see lots of furniture to be displayed." She said while looking at a corner far at the back that's filled with different kinds of chairs. That's unique, she though to herself. "I know right?"

Daniel coincidently met a few of his acquaintances and left Kate to wander around alone. He somehow knew that she needed some time alone with the art, feeling her mother's presence even though they're not her works.

Kate always found her mother in the arts she looked at. She smiled to herself upon remembering her childhood memories of painting carelessly and dirtying her clothes.

"It tells unity in diversity. Isn't it?"

Her flashbacks stopped after feeling the presence of a person standing beside her. "Every color has their own boldness yet in the middle... they just form a beautiful abstract. People who don't understand might think this is a stupid painting. But this one... is my favorite." He continued, not caring to whom he's talking to.

Kate heard the familiar voice, before turning to see who it is. It's him! That cold-handsome dude! She thought to herself.

"Yes... I think so too." She replied, not taking her eyes off of him. "Excuse me, but do you happen to know who I am?" She asked, placing her right hand on her left elbow.

"No." He stared at her in daze. "I don't recall your face. Sorry."  She asked whether I know her? Does she even know who I am? Questions start to fill his mind while digging his memories at the same time to find the lady.

"We met a few weeks ago. At the pub. You a—"

"Ah!" He clapped his hands once, changing his facial expression from cold to a little bit cheeky, "I remember it now. You're the girl with an empty glass of beer." He revealed.

"Yeah, that's me." She rolled her eyes. "I'm Kate. Not the girl with an empty glass of beer." She gave a hand. "TOP. I'm TOP." He took in her hand.

He changed from scary to freaky so quick, she thought to herself.

"You're Top? Top as in high? As in like the 'top chart?'" She asked in a serious tone. "Um.. I guess so." She has no idea who I am? That's... the first, he thought to himself.

"So Ms. Kate, how are you here?" Seung Hyun asked since he has no idea how she got an invitation. "I'm a +1 kinda thing. You?" She asked back lightly. "I um... I own this place." He said rigidly.

"You own this place?" Kate is a little bit shocked after realizing the fact that she's talking to the owner, "are you an artist? Or do you just like invest this place?"

"I'm an art collector. So I think investor is the right word." He walked pass through paintings while she tailed him behind. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." He replied with a cheeky smile.

Kate scoffed silently from his joke, "what's with the furnitures?" The two stopped, looking at the chairs that's scattered around the corner of the gallery. "I have a thing for chairs... furnitures." He said, pulling his phone out to take a picture.

"That's cute." She chuckled.

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