36. Third

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"I still remember listening to Baby Good Night when I was in high school 10 years ago." She said to Ji Yong and Seung Hyun who are sitting at her left. "How does it feel to comeback after so long?"

"It feels... surreal. Seung Hyun Hyung and I didn't think much about a comeback but somehow it just happened." Ji Yong replied, looking at her, then the camera, then Seung Hyun.

They explain the process of working as a unit again and what to expect on their upcoming album. Ji Yong is the one who answer to almost all questions asked while Seung Hyun only adds into it.

"With that being said, is there any song you wrote for your girlfriend, Tabi-ssi?" She teasingly asked.

Ji Yong who sits beside Seung Hyun can see how his ears are red, "back then, Hyung kept on changing his lyrics for like a hundred times. But for this album, he only change words for it to rhyme." He said with a giggle.

Seung Hyun can feel his body temperature rising up yet all he can do is laugh shyly. "I didn't write a song for her per se. However, it's true that she inspire the lyrics I wrote." He replied. "During my time as an idol, I've never been in a serious relationship. Of course there are songs that are based on my past experiences but I didn't write it for a love song. My inspirations came from arts."

"She became your muse then." The interviewer said with a smile. "You can say it like that."

The crew prepare a board for the next segment which is true or false. She explains that the board with black tapes on it hide the most popular questions regarding the two of them.

She pulls the first tape, reading what question lies behind. "Is it true that T.O.P still can't drive?" She recites. "Have you not learn how to drive?"

Seung Hyun chuckles, "I can drive and already have a driver license." He corrects. "It's just that I do prefer being driven around."

"Is it true that GD sleeps with his cats?" It says. "That's right. They always climb up to my bed and sleeps there even when I bought them their own beds."

After answering all the questions left, Ji Yong and Seung Hyun said their last words on camera. Thanking everyone for the supports over the years and hoping they will keep on supporting BIGBANG. Then, they greet everyone good bye and off they go.


I'm done. He texts his girlfriend as soon as he sits in the car.

Seung Hyun and Ji Yong are on their way back to the company because they still need to review their album one last time before the release date. The car ride is silent. They are occupied with their own phones—Ji Yong scrolling through his Instagram and Seung Hyun reading news about chairs. French for tomorrow? A reply from Kate pops. "Ji Yong-ah, are you coming tomorrow?"

"I can't. I have a meeting with Chanel." Ji Yong said. "The whole day?" He looks at him who's focusing on his phone. "Afternoon. I'm not sure what time I'll be done." He replied.

"Oh geure? Try to come if you can make it." Seung Hyun said while typing. Yes.

How many people are you expecting?


"Send my regards to Kohei if I can't make it." He said, choosing a song to be played through the car stereo. "Arasseo."

You sure you want to cook? Kohei Nawa is one of Seung Hyun's closest artist friend. When he told Kate about Kohei and his family visiting his house, she asked Seung Hyun if she can cook for them.

Ever since she retired from working as a cook, Kate consider cooking for someone else as a way to express her care. Especially if the guests are special. Yes. I'm grocery shopping at H&G right now, do you want anything?

"Hi. Can I have 250 each of gruyère, roquefort, parmesan and gouda please?" She said to the person behind the counter. He measure her orders while Kate carefully look at the other items. "And 200 grams of lean ham please. Roasted." She asks nicely, checking her phone when it buzzes. Can't think of anything.

Okay. I'll buy the usual.

She strolls around to pick some of the things she need before she pays and goes back to her apartment.


Kate runs to the market in the morning to buy the remaining ingredients she need. Fresh meats, fruits and vegetables are the key to good foods, so she always pick up the best ingredients she can find. She then make a quick visit to her store to grab some bread and to tell her staffs that she won't be coming in for the whole day.

After she gathered all the ingredients, she hails a taxi and off she goes. "Yeogi-yo, Ahjussi. Thank you." Kate hands him the money to pay. She then goes in o Seung Hyun's house, struggling with the heavy box she carries.

Washing the vegetables and fruits clean, preheating the oven, she starts her day with making her Chocolate Noir Pot de Creme.

"Good morning." His deep morning voice travels to her ears. Seung Hyun grabs himself some water and sits on the dining chair. "Good morning." Kate walks to him with his favorite light bites.

"You're not working today?" He asked, dipping the baguette to olive oil. "Hmm-mm." She hums while covering the custard filled ramekins with foil and putting it in the oven. "Do you need my help?"

"Yes please." She smiles at him while cleaning up the kitchen island. "But after you finish eating."


While waiting for the food to cook in the oven, Seung Hyun and Kate rest at his bedroom. Doing their own things in the same space—he plays with his phone on the bed while she reads her book beside him.

"Ms. Kate." She turns her face to see him staring at her, "you know... I'm not trying to push anything... but is it okay for us to talk about... marriage?" He said.

Kate puts down her book on her chest. "Okay." She whispered. "I just need to know if marriage is a part of your future." Talking about this matter makes her heart skips a beat.

Of course, she imagined living in a house with warm foods and warm laughs with her significant other. The thoughts of living her life with a husband thrills her in her early 20s. But as she steps into her late 20s, Kate adjust well on being single and the thought of marriage fades away.

These days when she's reminded with what happened the past year, she's taken aback on how fast everything goes between them. And the feelings she once had return. She doesn't want to be alone anymore. 

"It is." She replied. 

"Am I in it?"

"Hmm." She nod. He smiles.

"I want to ask Kohei if he can help us design a ring for you." He said. "You know... I see marriage as something we need to plan together. I don't want to surprise you with a ring I bought and champagnes. I want you to be a part of my proposal to you."

"Will you marry me?" Drowned into his deep eyes and deep voice. Drawn into planning her future with the love of her life. "In the future, do you want to marry me?"

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