13. Sudden Change

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As morning creeps out through the blinds, Kate opened her eyes to see Seung Hyun on his phone beside him. "Why are you up so early?" She asked, looking to the clock on the night stand, 6:21. "Still a little bit jet lagged." He put down his phone, coming into the blanket as he hugged her playfully. "Why are you up so early?" He asked back.

"I need to run some errands by eight o'clock." Kate smiled, happy with whom she is with right now. She wanted to dismiss her thoughts yet it keeps on disturbing her happy ones. "Are you going to leave soon?" She asked, hate that she finally asked. "In a few days." He replied, thoughts disturbing his mind too.

"Well... can I at least have all of your days?" Kate arose, making her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Seung Hyun encourage himself to say the things inside his head while watching her graciously doing her morning routine. He took a long deep breath, building up his courage and finally, "come with me to South Korea." Seung Hyun stared at her through the mirror.

She blanks out, toothbrush still in her mouth. "What?" She mumbled after he let out the big question that she never imagined to be asked.

She couldn't think straight. Never in her wildest dreams that someone is asking her to settle in. "Are you kidding me?" She asked, turning around to face him.

Being who she is for these past few years is her comfort zone. His question is so sudden and she's not ready to answer it in a heartbeat. "You're kidding me." She said once again, not knowing what to respond as he kept on staring deeply into her eyes. That stare, she thought to herself. She knew that he's begging for it. For her.

He let out a sigh, confused with her reactions. Whether she's eager for it or is hesitating. "Come to Seoul with me, please."


"Ahjumma, how much is this?" She said in Korean, with the help of Google Translate of course.

A month and a half has passed after the day she decided to move to South Korea. Kate and Seung Hyun packed all of her things but fly separately. The first week in Seoul, she experience culture shock. But after a month, Kate is used to it—the traditions, language and foods.

She began to understand who Seung Hyun is. Listening to BIGBANG's songs, watching their movies and interviews and she even learn their history through Wikipedia.

She still doesn't get the fans though. Back from where she was, the fans aren't as crazy as Koreans... or they called it sasaeng. Because of that, she's keeping herself away from the media. She doesn't want to make his reputation bad, especially on dating a complete foreigner.

Kate bought a small shophouse in Hongdae so she's been keeping herself busy with the opening of her café. Seung Hyun wanted to give her the things she need but she really wants to start her business from her own money; the money she's been saving for.

"Ah, Hong Gil-ssi." She turned around, looking at Seung Hyun's manager who's been waiting for her. "I'm almost done." She quickly grabbed her things, thank the lady and leave with him.

Ever since Kate arrived, Choi Hong Gil now works for two person. Mostly for Kate though since she's still not familiar with South Korea. Language became a problem between the two but as usual, body language always works. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"We're picking Seung Hyun up." He replied softly, driving all the way to a place where he has the photoshoot.

Hong Gil came out to search for Seung Hyun while Kate remains in the car. She's not sure if being in his car is the right thing to do. But thankfully, there's no sign of any fans at the set. A few minutes later, Seung Hyun opened the door, stepping in with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi." He said awkwardly, making her blush. "Hi." She replied awkwardly too.

"Hyung, I have no more schedule right?" He raised his voice so Hong Gil can hear him out. "Yes." He replied, knowing that Seung Hyun wants to be home with Kate.

Hong Gil caught a glimpse of smirky Seung Hyun and he couldn't believe how much of a child he is. It's been a while since he last saw Seung Hyun like this and he's happy with it.

"Gomawo-yo hyung." Seung Hyun said to him while getting ready to leave the car with Kate.

"You don't have to pick her up tonight."

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