14. Art Piece

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Seung Hyun took a shower while Kate took over his kitchen to work her magic. She has something to talk to Seung Hyun and she's hoping that making Jjampong will soothe him up.

"Should I set the table?" He asked, walking towards the kitchen while drying his wet hair with towel. "Yes please." She turned around, looking at the adorable-bared-face of her man.

"Jal meok ge sseum ni da." Seung Hyun said, all smiles with many dishes in front of him as he tried the main dish. "How is it?" She asked with squinty eyes. "It's good. But could be better." He then pour in the stew to his own bowl. "I know right? I can't figure out with what's missing."

"Crabs." He said after inhaling the noodles. "Crabs? The recipe didn't mention any crabs." She opened her phone to see the recipe she used. Seung Hyun chuckled with the sight of Kate looking all confused. "I'm kidding. It'll be extremely good if you increase the spiciness level."

Seung Hyun is touched with what she did for him. From giving up her life in Europe, moving across the continent to live in a world that's so different from where she was and learning various things in a foreign land.

He's way too grateful to be able to run into the woman he never imagined to exist. He sometimes can't figure out the way she thinks but knows her so well at the same time. Kate is very unique, very confusing, and her existence brings so many meanings. She is a masterpiece.

"Mr. Choi." She called him out of his speculation. "What are you thinking?" She shoveled some more soup. "Nothing." He replied with a smile, continuing his dinner.

Kate put down her spoon, "you know... I think it's time to tell your family. That we are seeing each other." She tried to look at him in the eyes but he won't leave his eyes from his bowl.

"I think it's better for you to tell them from your own mouth and not the media. Seung Hyun, I'm not asking for any recognition or whatsoever. I want you to tell them the truth before it's too late." She continued with a soft voice. "And your boss. Tell him too."

Seung Hyun told his parents about Kate. Everything about her except her name, her being a foreigner and being his girlfriend. He's not ready to come up to his family about this matter.

It's not because of her nationality, or her personality, or... her. He's not ready with the outcomes because when he tells them and takes her to see his family, they might disapprove.

"It can wait." He replied with a sure voice, still can't make any eye contact. Seung Hyun hopes that she won't prolong the conversation. "Aren't you afraid if everything is too late? You know how famous you are and they'll catch us sooner or later."

"It can wait, Kate. Everything's going to be fine." He emphasize. "Seung Hyun, try to think about it. I do—"

"Stop it, Kate. I don't want to talk about it." He finally looks up, looking at her with deadly eyes.

Too caught up by his own thoughts and worries, Seung Hyun wipes his mouth and leaves her alone in the dining room. She took a deep breath before taking away the empty plates.

After cleaning up, Kate takes a hot bath while Seung Hyun warms himself with wine in the living room. Both wanting to get over the conversation they had.


"Can I come in?" He asked while knocking on the bathroom wall, immediately letting himself in without her permit.

"I'm sorry." He said, squatting down before her so they're at the same level height. "Sorry for being rude."

She puts her wet hand on his left cheek, stroking softly, "do you want to tell me why?" Kate asked.

"I'm afraid." He confessed. "I don't know whether they'll approve our relationship or not. If they will hate you for being you. If... I can't be with you."

"I'm afraid if they can't see who you are from my perspective. Because they sometimes don't get the beauty in my art collection. I'm not ready with the nagging and questions."

Those indirect compliments didn't get her attention. She can only see how afraid he is.

She took him for a kiss as an act of forgiveness and apology. "I'm sorry for pushing." She said after breaking apart. "If only you ex—" His mind and soul were filled with angst and he won't resist himself to conquer it with love. "Seung Hyun!" She exclaimed when he took her out of the bathtub that's filled with soapy water, not caring that his clothes are wet from her naked body.

"You didn't make any dessert, so I'm making it." He carried her to the shower room, glueing their lips together.

While taking his soaked shirt off, she pulled her lips from his, looking up to his eyes closely. "Do you throw away the artworks your parents don't like?" She suddenly asked. "No."

"So you won't throw me if that happens, right?"

A smile formed widely on his face. A smile of amazement and lust.

"Clever girl."

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