2. Mom

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Days passed, Seung Hyun and his friends are way too excited to open the gallery in just a few minutes. His heart is pounding fast, palms getting sweaty and his breath is unsteady. That's how nervous he is, more than being watched by a thousand people.

His friend briefed everything once again to the staffs before they open the doors. "Just do your best." He said in conclusion. "And remember to protect the arts!" This time, Seung Hyun said in nervousness. He glanced to his watch, waiting for the second hand to strike 12 and minute hand to strike at 3.

"Show time." He whispered.


"One squid vinaigrette, two seared quinoa tuna and one chicken marsala please!" She shouted loud for everyone to hear while waiting for dishes to come in front of her. Wiping the edges of the plate, she then gave a nod to the waitress.

"Come on guys, let's finish this up!" She shouted once again feeling excited.

After everyone left, Kate remains in the kitchen with ingredients and tools in front of her. Measuring it one by one.

She's been trying to come up with a recipe but the taste is not perfect yet. A dash of cinnamon powder? She asked to herself, mixing the dough. Dividing it into ramekins and chill.

An hour passed,  she assemble every elements to the plate, took a picture of it and finally!, she thought to herself. Cinnamon powder it is.

She began to clean up the mess, putting two ramekins in a container and go home.


"Oh my God, Danny!" Kate came into the dark house to see Daniel watching a movie. "Why are you up at this hour?" She dropped her bag, walking towards him.

"Have you watch this movie before? It's one of my favorites." He said, not taking his eyes off the television. "What if your parents walk out to see you here?" She asked while pouring a glass of water in the dining room. "I'm an adult, Kate. I don't need their permission to sleep late." This time, he looks at her back, far from the living room.

"Aren't you going to watch this with me?" He moved over to give a space for her to sit. "P.S. I Love You? You're such a romance sucker." Kate gave a small laugh, snuggling under the blanket beside him. "How was work?" He asked.

"Oh! Thank you for reminding me." She walk to her bag, taking the container out. "Here, try this." She handed him a ramekin and vanilla ice cream that she just took out from the freezer.

"Chocolate Noir Pot de Creme."

She grins, waiting for a response. "There's definitely lots of spices in it." He said. "I like it."

Kate showed a huge smile, making him laugh because of her silly face. "I can't believe I'm eating dessert at two in the morning!"

Daniel Addington, the youngest. He's only a few months older than Kate, that's why the two are very close as if they're childhood friends. Despite of knowing each other for only a few weeks.

"There's a grand opening of an art gallery." He turned the television off and then the lights on. "Do you want to go there?" He asked. "Why would I?"

"Because you said you love arts."

She does. Her mother was a painter. Since young, Kate used to paint with her mother at their garage back at her hometown. Even when she ruined a huge canvas with weird color combinations and strange shapes, her mother never fail to make it beautiful on its own way.

Now, Kate doesn't go to galleries frequently as she used to. Only once in a while when she misses her mother terribly. And with the question being asked, Kate began to miss her more.

"Okay." She replied without any hesitation.

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