Chapter Two - Perhaps this is a mistake ??

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*Note: I have no idea why everybody is reading literally on the surface. When I made the reference to India, I was referring to the language barrier I imagine I would face as thrown into Korea as well. I have nothing against India. So if anybody was offended by that, I genuinely apologise. In order not to see such comments posted anymore, I've deleted the sentence comparison.

The first week of school couldn't pass any slower. It was probably the longest week of school in my entire academic life. You know how people always say good things fly by with a blink and bad things take forever to pass as the clock seems to stop there? It was exactly how I felt. 

June was a typical summer vacation for the korean university students until September when the Fall semester began. So the campus was pretty quiet. Majority of the students both local and foreign were on vacation except for those who were doing a special summer semester either to catch up on lost failed subjects or whatever their reasons were. So this was the special term. And if you do not yet understand, since special term was much shorter than a typical school term, the lessons were much modified or perhaps the word to use was 'compressed'. Instead of completing a module of work in the typical three months' span, special term required students to complete it with one month. Not a joke at all. It would be easy for students who had failed and were doing a re-take. But for fresh students like me, it was nightmare. 

And on top of it, the classes were conducted in korean. Not exactly my forte. 

The first thing I did was to sign up for on-campus korean lessons. And with a little help from Cass, the Korean Language major, I managed to survive my lessons. Barely though. Fortunately, all the lectures had online webcast so I could watch them over and over again. Even though the grades I would be getting would not be recorded in my college's official grades, I didn't want to get a big fat zero in my report card.

Before I came to KonKuk, I had selected the courses that I would like to do during my stay here. Since I wasn't exactly a Film major, I had to narrow my options to those that would benefit my own major. In this end, I selected to study Body Training and Improvisation Workshop for my special term. For the fall semester, I had selected to study Method Acting, Script Practice, Character Acting and Scene Study (which I later found out that scene study would take me to the actual filming scene). As compared to my curriculum back home which focused on the theories, I thought practical lessons in Konkuk would be a plus point for me. 

First day of school I had to report to the Art & Design Building which was on the other end of campus across the lake. Thank goodness a neighbour next door - Hye Na owned a car and was doing a special term. She studied in the Education Science Building which happened to be between my building and Cass'. So on days which she had classes, she gave us a lift over. Else I just ended up taking the campus shuttle which could take up to thirty minutes to arrive.

The Art & Design Building was none other than an independent glass building standing on its own by the busy road where I first arrived from the airport the day before. It housed a movie theater at the basement as well as a art supply center where you could get your art supplies off cheap. If you were thinking of catching the latest Hollywood movies like X-Men or Spider Man on screen at the theater, sorry to disappoint you. Most movies played were those artistic movies for academic purposes, which probably explained why it was not crowded at all. In fact the entire building was so deserted that I half suspected that I would be the only student for class this special term. 

I took the elevator up to the seventh level where my class would be held. When I arrived at the door, I stood there nervously with half a heart wanting to turn back and go back to my room. But of course, that wasn't even an option for me. I couldn't very well be absent on the first day of class. I took a deep breath before I pushed open the door. The class room was small and not to mention, extremely cold. Thank goodness I had brought along my cardigan just in case. There were three other students in the room. When the door opened, they looked at me curiously. I simply smiled and found a seat at the corner by the wall.. There wasn't much chairs around anyway. 

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