Chapter Forty nine - My boyfriend is Lee Min-ho

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I sat on my bed listening to Kim Jong Kook's Men Are All Like That. How true, I couldn't help saying to myself as I absorbed the lyrics into my heart.

Men are all like that, I wouldn’t be any different
I valued you at first but then I flew away
Men are all like that, I wouldn’t be any special
I had all of your heart but then I flew away
Men are all like that

It seemed like I could never catch your heart
But little by little, your heart became to come into my hands
Now I feel burdened when you say you can’t live without me

I used to stay up all night, worried that your heart would change
When I opened my eyes, I called you to make sure of your voice
I used to hope that the moment would last forever

Was that really how it was? That all men just 'flew away' after they won your heart? That was too heartless. Was love all but a game to them? Did they really felt burdened when a woman professed her love? Then why did they even try in the first place? If they hadn't tried to win her heart, it wouldn't bring them burden right?

An incoming call interrupted my song. It was Minhyuk.

"Hi Minhyuk."

"Hey! Have you seen the news?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes, I have." It was all over the papers as Minho said it would be. Pictures of Minhyuk and I at the shoot and how we were sitting so close together and how he was brushing aside my hair. Rumours of perhaps WGM had brought us together. Perhaps we were dating. Perhaps...

Seo-jin had called me up in the morning to clarify. Of course, not before his ten minutes of lecture about my behaviour and stuff. I managed to convince him that Minhyuk and I were nothing more than friends.

"My manager gave me a good talking -to," Minhyuk chuckled.

"Mine too."

"But that's not important," he said. "More importantly, how did Minho react?"

"Minhyuk..." I didn't particularly want to discuss this at this moment.

"By the way," he interrupted. "Remember that book you lent me? I'd like to return it. Can I come up now?"

"Now? Where are you?" I sat up straight.

"Downstairs...," he answered sheepishly.

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