Chapter Forty five - I have to go home with my husband?

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WGM was really a powerful variety show, or should I say, an amazing variety show? It gave stars who wanted to have a first-hand experience on how marriage life worked and the kind of problems that could possibly arose between husband and wife. If it could happen between two strangers who pretended to be married, it could happen to any lovey-dovey couple who had been together for years. That was how I felt.

Minhyuk and I started off as strangers who knew each other only through the media. We had our fair share of self-generated opinions about each other. For example, I thought he might be too young and immature in terms for marriage life. But he turned out to be a person who was very thoughtful, considerate and genuine. Initially, I thought he might be doing it for the show. But there were really some occasions which you could not believe a person would behave just for the sake of a show. Just like initially, Minhyuk thought I would be a person difficult to communicate with because of the fact that I was a non-Korean national and that I had lived in London for some years would make me ‘westernized’. It was true I might be so in certain ways, but he was really surprised that deep within, I was pretty much a simple conservative and traditional girl. For example, I believed that a wife should at least be able to prepare a decent meal.

Come two-hundred-and-sixty-two days into our ‘marriage life’ and having completed endless missions, we received one of our most ‘extreme’ missions. Or perhaps, for me, not so much for him.

We were having breakfast in our ‘house’ when the mission card arrived. It was a rented flat solely for the purpose of filming our married life. There were two bedrooms; one for us each on days which we had to stay over as part of the filming process. Of course, part of the programme was that we were not required to sleep together nor kiss. Maybe hold hands and hugs, yes. But they at least respected the most intimate behaviours between couples. Minhyuk and I had shared hugs a couple of times especially when we completed a most difficult mission. And we had held hands a couple of times too, like when he helped me up the trail during hiking. Those were polite gestures. Nothing much to read into it, but of course, the fans went most crazy over it.

“Our next mission is here!” Minhyuk exclaimed as he wiped his hands on the napkins before taking the mission card over from the VJ.

“I wonder what it is this time…” I said aloud. I was getting good at doing variety shows by now. On a variety show, it was important to ‘steal’ camera time for yourself. That way, you would be seen on TV. The more you were being viewed, the more for people to get to know you. Minhyuk was surprised that I could do so well on variety shows. He had learnt quite abit from me too.

Minhyuk came over to my side and shared the card so that both of us could see it together.

“Good morning, Shin-Min couple,” he read out loud. “I hope you had a good breakfast. After being married more than half a year, it is now time to meet your in-laws. Get your bags and passport ready. It is time for the husband to meet the wife’s family.”

“What?!” I exclaimed loudly. “Meet my family? Seriously?”

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