Chapter 3

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I can feel their eyes on me. Watching everything go on with microscopic precision. Sensing the teacher hovering, a scowl crosses my face. Do I have to spell everything out for this chick


The rushed clicks of her heels move farther away. A rustle of papers ensues before the lesson continues till the bell rings for second period.

Feeling a presence nearby, the smell of horrid perfume let's me know the teacher is waiting to direct me to my next class. Standing up I swing my backpack over one shoulder and pull out my cane from my pack pocket, resting the end on the ground.

As I suspected the classroom noise lulled down before a quiet roar of whispers took over once they figured out what was happening.

Steeling my back I braved the halls to my next class. Hoping to get through the rest of this day without to much hassle.


Each class has been the same process. Introduce, seat, teach, and be led to the next. It's finally 8th period, a study hall, and everyone seems to know I am the new blind kid by now. Losing my sense of sight has heightened my hearing, causing me to be able to hear all the whispers around the room as if they were speaking at a normal level.

Thankfully I applied of early dismissal so I get to leave right after this instead of waiting through the last period. A perk of being a senior.

"Emily stop staring"

That voice

Throughout every class I've had, she seems to always be there. Whenever a teacher asks a question, she seems to always answer. Like a Hermione Granger of Smithport High School.

I keep getting placed near her for some reason. Each and every class there never seems to be more than five feet between us. I've been around her so much I figured out what she smells like. Sugar cookies.

Who smells like sugar cookies? Usually people smell like flowers, vanilla, some type of wood, but sugar cookies? That one is surprisingly new. Calming even almost, but I won't let it sway me. I just need to survive the rest of school and I'll be on my way.

"What, it's not like he can tell."

"That was rude."

"So, it's not like he can hear me. He's listening to music"

Music I only have headphones in so nobody tries to talk to me. Sometimes I wonder if I like to torture myself when I do this. I could easily turn on my playlist but yet I sit here. Listening to all the conversations going on about me.

"Still, you know better."

"Hey at least I'm not eye raping him like all the other girls."

"Ya cause your to busy being in love with David" teases sugar cookie.

"I am not!" Sudden silence weighs heavily across the room at her outburst. Luckily the bell rings and everyone packs up their things for their next class.

Staying in my seat, I wait for someone to come get me for my ride home.

"I am not" repeats Emily, this time much more quiet, though she doesn't sound so sure before her footsteps leave the classroom.

A tap to my shoulder has me tugging my earbuds out. "Yes?" my voice void of any emotion.

"Just letting you know the bell rang incase you didn't hear it."

"I heard" A tense silence soon followed.

Sighing to herself, the sweet smell of sugar cookies finally leaves the room as the bell for 9th period goes off, leaving me all alone till my escort arrives.

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