Chapter 26

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My weekend was spent hanging out with Alex, my boyfriend. Gosh I never thought that would of happened when I met him.

Hours of talking, laughing or just comfortable silence has rolled into the inevitable monday morning everyone dreads.

This one more so than ever. I'm not sure what state the student body will be in after the events thursday. Us not coming in the next day probably didn't help with the gossip mongers either.

With Alex in my passenger seat I pull into the school parking lot, navigating through the string of busses to my spot. The sound of the engine and radio no longer surrounds us as we sit, waiting to go in.

Finally the warning bells start to go off so we let go of each others hands over the center console and get out. Taking his arm like usual I guide him to our first class. Stopping in the doorway my face cringes before I continue towards our seats.

"Ok now I wish I was the blind one here"

"Not sure if I should take offense to that or feel thankful that I can't see whatever's happening" Smiling, I'm sure there's is a sparkle in his eyes behind his glasses.

Shaking my head at him I try to stop one from forming on my face too. "You wouldn't be smiling if you knew what they're doing."

"Your just jealous" tease Dave before he immediately starts kissing Emily again.

"More like mentally scarred, get a room you two" playfully pushing his shoulder their lips disengage as Dave stumbles for balance. Now that he is no longer sitting in my way I sit in my spot and wait for our lesson to start.

Thankfully people weren't that bad about the incident. If anything it made people like him more, the once reserved blind new kid seems human and made those with anxiety and depression or any disorder really feel like they weren't alone in the world. That there was someone dealing with the same hardships they suffer through themselves.

It's finally lunch time and everyone has gathered around our table to eat. Emily and David somehow are multitasking between eating actual food and each others mouths, Scott and Lizzie are in some argument about the latest movie while me and Alex simply enjoy our meal, holding hands under the table.

Bumping shoulders I look up to see an innocent smile on his face as he eats his fries. With a satisfied smirk I steal the whole tray making him reach for nothing but air, a confused frown taking place.

"Wonder what happened to your fries"

Eyebrows scrunching in scrutiny towards me, Alex watches me take one of his stolen fries from its paper tray. As I'm about to place it in my grinning mouth his free hand grabs my wrist, dipping his head down Alex lays a slow kiss upon my lips.

I didn't realise my eyes had closed till I opened them to see him eating the stolen fry from my hand.

"Don't steal my fries" the little cocky grin he was sporting stole my already nonexistent breath away.

"What The Fuck!" realizing we completely forgot about all our friends, their outburst sure reminds us we're not alone like we were over the weekend. Lowering our raised hands, slowly my head turns to see a lineup of our slack jawed friends staring back at us.

A minute passes with everyone frozen until Liz screeches out "I knew it! I shipped you guys so hard" frantically slapping Ems arm she sticks her hand out "pay up, I told you they would end up together"

"You guys bet on them?" demands Scott. Receiving a sheepish nod from the girls I expect him to be upset only for the dick to say "Why didn't anyone tell me? I would of gotten in on that long ago."

"Dude!" Butts in Alex as he swing an arm around my shoulders "Not cool"

"Eh" Shrugging his shoulder unapologetically Scott goes back to eating "It was fairly obvious to everyone." A naughty smirk makes its way to his face "Even a blind man could see it"

Unable to help themselves all our friends bust out in laughter. I can even feel Alex's cest vibrating against my back as he joins in the merriment too.

"Only took me a couple months but I got there."


Over the next two weeks Alex and I's relationship has progressed. I sneak over nearly every night to sleep in his bed with him, cuddling into his arms.

With each passing moment together we become more comfortable, more attuned to one another.

Waking up in the middle of the first week of April I find myself staring down at today's birthday boy snuggled face down in the valley of my breasts. Blushing something fierce I slip out of his hold on me. Pulling the blanket over his shoulder I let him sleep in some more, we have the whole week off from school thanks to a spring break so he might as well enjoy it.

Sliding my shoes and light jacket back on I climb through the window, shivering as i shut it behind me. Quietly crawling into my room window I snatch a throw blanket to wrap around myself. Kicking my shoes off I walk into my bathroom for a warm shower.

Emerging fully dressed I make my way to the kitchen finding my mother finishing up some pancakes for everyone.

"Morning hon"

"Morning mom" making myself a plate I kiss her cheek on my way to the table, diggin in once I've doused my plate in syrup. Slowly my dad and Amy show up and we all join in for a family breakfast together.

Hours later after my parents get home from work we all got dressed up for Alex's birthday dinner. Meeting the Clark's there we find it to be an enjoyable evening between our two families. Laughter flowed all around the table as stories were told.

Soon the waiter came with a candled dessert while we all sang an off key version of happy birthday waiting for him to make a wish. Making up his mind I feel him squeezing my hand gently under the table before blowing a wide sweep of air trying to get the candle he can't see to go out.

As the adults go back to talking about their jobs and Amy texts on her phone, me and Alex polish off his 'birthday dessert' before everyone calls it a night.

Waiting for the right time to sneak out I leave after the house has been quiet for a while. Wearing a warmer coat I make my way across the wet grass scowling at how weird our weather is.

Why it decided to snow in April I will never know

Thankfully it all has already melted so my secret trek to my secret boyfriends bedroom can't be found out by our parents. Climbing up the step stool I accept Alex's extended hand through the window ready to sleep the night away with him by my side.

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